I am happy today/this week……..

Published by Erica on

  • It is Easter week and I get to have yummy Easter dinner with Grandpa and Grandma Price tomorrow!
  • I got to spend last weekend with Grandparents Price and watch conference. Hooray for Elder Holland’s amazing talk on the Atonement. I think he listed my name in the beginning when he said who his talk was for.
  • Karly, on my tap company, not only drove me to the show tonight, she thought my eyelashes were fake! AKA, they look so long and luscious that she thought I had put false lashes on. Nope. 100% real.
  • I bought food this week. Happy day for food you actually want to eat.
  • My dance performance tonight went really well, even with a few foot-flubs.
  • My hair curled remarkably well for the show, and it still looks good.
  • I got to see several old friends at my friend Amy’s bridal shower. It was good to catch up with them.
  • I took a long shower today.
  • I vacuumed the front room. I like clean things.
  • I watched a cool, random movie on Hulu about a boy in Belfast, Ireland, who takes up dance to become a better football (soccer) player, then falls in love and wins the girl who far outranks him on the social ladder.
  • I am halfway done with my paper! And while this post is clearly detracting from my progression on the paper, I am confident that I will be able to come of conqueror.
  • My mom is coming to visit in about two weeks.
  • I had a really good talk with my roommate last night.
  • I drank some orange juice today… Simply Orange is the best ever!
  • My taxes are done and I’m getting a fatty return. Go Savings Account!
  • My bed is comfortable.
  • I have an incredible family who loves me and cares about how I am doing.
  • I realized that I give more service than I think I do. Of course, I should still increase that amount.
  • I’m healthy… if you don’t count my knee that has been acting out a bit more in recent days.
  • Training went well at work this week, even if it cost me my mental capacities.
  • I created a fun and effective review game for my training.
  • I ate basically an entire bag of Reese’s PB cups.
  • My jeans are beginning to trend towards falling off. My favorite are the pair that don’t require unbuttoning, etc.

Ok, this is longer than I expected. I am going to write something more useful now…. like the paper that’s going to count towards my grade.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

Michelle · April 12, 2009 at 2:58 pm

Wow! That’s quite the list of good things! You are so good at being positive! Looks like you have a lot of great things going for you right now. 🙂

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