Published by Erica on

My thesis is done!!! It feels amazing. It is officially 123 pages long, with 7 intro pages and 10 bibliography pages, 4 chapters, 1 map and 6 photographs. And I feel awesome!! What started in 2005 as an idea to visit Ireland has turned into a Master Thesis and degree in 2011. 

It feels oh so good. 

Categories: Uncategorized


Hillary · June 8, 2011 at 6:23 pm


That's so great. I'm sure you're feelin' pretty good right about now. 🙂

I still want to come see you… like asap. We're about 3-5 days away from moving into our new house… so life it super crazy… but once I'm settled… it is a must. We must get together. Congratulations on your thesis!!

Jenny Alama · June 9, 2011 at 10:42 pm

Congrats! That is awesome. No… "your thesis is AWESOME!!!"

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