For a friend

Published by Erica on

If there is anything I know and that this blog touches on poignantly, it’s that life beats you up sometimes. We all have our trials we go through and sometimes it’s a very long journey away from the thrashing, through the tough paths back to where happy sunshine warms us again. Even now… I should be the happiest I’ve ever been in my life these days! I’m getting married!! But life isn’t working that way right now. I’m definitely in love, definitely happy, but boy oh boy things are stressful, difficult…. the term life-sucking has come up more than once. My job sucks the life out of me on an almost daily basis. It’s so awful that I’ve started trying to chant a mantra in my head whenever I’m around my supervisor. The mantra? “I’m not a failure.” Yeah, quality work environment. I love my fiance and the positivity and support he adds to my life. (And he’s hot!! Seriously, he’s got everything.) He’s helped me to try and tackle my problems so I will still be emotionally functional by June…. well, let’s be honest. It’s a day to day struggle. I hate my job. I wake up and wish I could think of a good reason not to go. I’m not an elementary school teacher, especially not for this school. But I’m missing the point.

With all my fiance does for me, there’s often not much he’ll let me do for him. But tonight I had the chance to ask him some questions and find a way that I can help him. So for him, here are some thoughts on forgiveness that might help. The actions of other people in our past shouldn’t be allowed to have power over our futures. You deserve better. Here’s some scattered thoughts… links to full talks. 

Dr. Sidney Simon, a recognized authority on values realization, has provided an excellent definition of forgiveness as it applies to human relationships:
Forgiveness is freeing up and putting to better use the energy once consumed by holding grudges, harboring resentments, and nursing unhealed wounds. It is rediscovering the strengths we always had and relocating our limitless capacity to understand and accept other people and ourselves.” 5

The great Atonement was the supreme act of forgiveness. The magnitude of that Atonement is beyond our ability to completely understand. I know only that it happened, and that it was for me and for you. The suffering was so great, the agony so intense, that none of us can comprehend it when the Savior offered Himself as a ransom for the sins of all mankind.
It is through Him that we gain forgiveness. It is through Him that there comes the certain promise that all mankind will be granted the blessings of salvation, with resurrection from the dead. It is through Him and His great overarching sacrifice that we are offered the opportunity through obedience of exaltation and eternal life.

May God help us to be a little kinder, showing forth greater forbearance, to be more forgiving, more willing to walk the second mile, to reach down and lift up those who may have sinned but have brought forth the fruits of repentance, to lay aside old grudges and nurture them no more. For this I humbly pray, in the sacred name of our Redeemer, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen. 

Forgiveness is the perfect antidote for the poison of resentment. It neutralizes our hurt feelings and makes room in our hearts for love to flourish and grow. President Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught:
“All of us carry excess baggage around from time to time, but the wisest ones among us don’t carry it for very long. They get rid of it. … Often … the things we carry are petty, even stupid. … If you resent someone for something he has done—or failed to do—forget it. We call that forgiveness. It is powerful, spiritual medicine.”3 

Categories: Uncategorized


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