A Hasty Update

Published by Erica on

Big news: I fit into my old Buckle jeans again!! It’s taken a long time for my body to fully rebound back, but I tried them on yesterday on a whim and was so happily surprised. Sure, I could have worked out harder earlier on and probably arrived at this happy place sooner, but I didn’t and I don’t regret it. That said, it feels AMAZING to know your old body is (more or less) finally back.

The cutest girl in the whole wide world is amazing me daily, it seems. In the past two weeks she has learned to clap and wave, she gives kisses if you prompt her and offer a cheek, she adores standing up, and she has done a legit army crawl at least 3 times! She is such a joy to me. She also babbles more and more, tries to copy sounds or simple actions I do, loves the water and bathtime, and has finally figured out that human food is pretty good too. She eats rather well when I remember to make a point of feeding her my food (sometimes nursing is so convenient I forget that I need to offer her bits and pieces of food!). She even tried a taste of spicy chicken tikka masala the other day and was totally cool with it! Yesterday she had potatoes, some bits of brussels sprouts, and some tastes of a bacon-wrapped filet mignon.

I truly enjoy spending my days with her. I had someone offer recently to watch her a few hours each week so I could have some “me” time, and my thoughts were 1) so generous 2) pretty sure I’d miss having my girl around, and 3) I don’t really have much to do in “me” time because I love doing things with her! We recently worked the Miss America pageant, and while that was tough with a baby, I look back on it and again realize that it was more fun for me because I had her there. Being a mom suits me in ways I never would have guessed. It’s a happy – if highly demanding and at times stressful – occupation.

And in funny stories – poopocalypse!! Elsie tends to have these every now and then. Usually when I make the mistake of putting her in her jumpy bouncer when she’s due for a poo. THE MESS!!!! I’ve gotten more observant so she doesn’t usually jump her poo out of her diaper anymore, but yesterday takes the cake of poopocalypses. She was napping after church in her car seat. And sometime between when we dropped her off in there and heard her crying awake, she had let the BIG ONE go. I’m so thankful D was still around to help me get things cleaned. And I’m grateful that the Oxyclean seems to have finally worked its magic on her seat straps, because as of last night, it was still pretty sketchy. Poor little gal had a rough awakening with that one!! Moms, beware the stinky toot days and guard against your poopocalypse. It’s not nearly as bad when you’re expecting it and preparing to catch it the moment it exits.

… and I am now (have been for months now) officially one of the moms who takes great pleasure in discussing bowel movements. Cheerio!

Categories: Uncategorized


Unknown · October 3, 2016 at 12:26 am

I love that you love being a mom! It can be hard and stressful at times, but it is so rewarding as you watch your little people grow and learn about the world around them! Can't wait to have you here so I can enjoy her too! Love you!

Unknown · October 3, 2016 at 12:51 am

I love that you love being a mom! It can be hard and stressful at times, but it is so rewarding as you watch your little people grow and learn about the world around them! Can't wait to have you here so I can enjoy her too! Love you!

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