Spring Break

Published by Erica on

It’s my week off!! What am I doing with all my time?

  1. Find an apartment. (This took 5 hours today and could take more tomorrow.)
  2. Finish grading things for school. (I refuse to spend more then 3 hours of my vacation days doing work for my job.)
  3. Cleaning, sanding, and spray painting frames for wedding decorations.
  4. Organizing, de-cluttering, and packing to move.
  5. Coordinating my move out and a new roommate to move in. 
  6. Working on invites, guest lists, and all other things wedding….
  7. Sleeping in. 
  8. Obviously, staying up late sometimes 🙂
I’m sure I’ve missed something in there. Oh yes, there may be some job searching and interviewing happening. Like yesterday when I drove all over the place to run errands and interview.  Oh yeah, seeing doctors too. Man, and it’s not even halfway through the week! It’s all exciting stuff, but boy is there a ton to do and think about and worry about. 

Categories: Uncategorized


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