Back to Turkey!

Published by Erica on

In case you were curious, this post is because I am so so SO tired of working on my class! I’ve spent oh…  15 hours or more(?) working on it this week. It feels like way more. And Matt is out of town until Saturday night. I don’t really know how that relates to my class, but…. there you go. I may or may not miss him a smidgen. (Mom, you’ll be happy to know that I haven’t called or texted him at all today.) Where was I going with this??? Oh yes. Pictures. 

Sailing on a private yacht down the Bosphorus Strait

Castle along the banks of the Bosphorus, European side

Maiden’s Tower (Lighthouse), Bosphorus Strait
Heather and I in front of the private yacht
Audience at our first venue, Lake Kucukcekmece Festival
Flag banners of the participating countries at Kucukcekmece Festival

Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofia)
Hagia Irene, inside Topkapi Palace Complex
Balcony at Topkapi Palace, overlooking the water
Basilica Cistern
Medusa-head Column at Basilica Cistern
Scarf vendor at Grand Bazaar who loved my eyes
Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet)
Clog America and Turkish dancers from a children’s group
On the see-saw at Miniaturk
Turkish Apartments
Sunset over Lake Kucukcekmece
Turkish ice cream vendor… the taffy-like ice cream. They do all sorts of tricks with it!
Spinning a star with a Taiwanese performer
Old Victrola and Underwood Typewriter
So our costumes were all hung up… apparently they were too heavy for the rack
Shop in Egyptian Bazaar (Spice Bazaar) with plates! Love these plates
Egyptian Bazaar- Spices
Random guy I found outside the bazaar… I mean, my DAD!
Interior, Hagia Sophia
Dome on pendentive!
Medieval mosaic uncovered in Hagia Sophia
Upstairs hallway, Hagia Sophia
Venue for Bakirkoy Festival, on Marmar Sea
Clog America!! The massive pile-on
And there’s a conglomeration of pictures briefly detailing the Turkey part of my trip. I hope you enjoyed all that!! I sure did. Auditions for next year’s tour are in a few weeks and I’m looking forward to throwing my hat in the ring one more time. I love dance. And travel. And dance. And friends. And… I guess maybe I’ll look at my class prep for a few minutes.
Categories: Uncategorized


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