We’ll start at the beginning… a very good place to start

Published by Erica on

I feel like I have so much to say, but I’m pretty certain none of it will make much cohesive sense. So if you think this is a beginning of a linear story, be prepared for something more rhomboid or polygonic in shape. Did I mention I love making up new words that sound like they really should be words anyways?

I’m home for the holidays– ok, just the holiday, Christmas– and I’m loving it! It is so nice to go to bed early and sleep in each day, to eat three regular meals that consist of more than 2 items conjoined to simulate a meal, to see my mom and dad and funny brothers and big brothers (and fams) and little brothers and dogs. To shower in softened water, which makes my hair all nice and shiny, to sit and play the piano for hours on end, to go grocery shopping in the all of two stores in town. To enjoy and make endless numbers of goodies for Christmas: CandyCane Crush Cookies (that’s my name for them), cheese balls, toffee, fudge, pretzel turtles, artichoke dip, dipped gingersnaps, and Christmas mix. Pretty much all of these treats are legend (and tradition) at Christmas. And to think that I can basically make Christmas (treats) on my own now! I just need to learn how to cook meat…..

I often joke that I’m not married yet because I don’t really cook meat all that much. Why? I think it started off as a budget issue, and by the time I had more money I’d gotten used to going meatless. Therefore, I’m not superly skilled in that department… although I can follow a recipe and I make a mean meaty chili. I suppose I ought to practice my meat-making skills more, but then I’d have to come up with a different semi-excuse as to my unmarried status.

So BYU trounced Oregon State University last night in the MAACO Bowl at Vegas. Loverly!!! Our first big play was against the super-strong wind, which showed a lot of skill and determination. After that, we were pretty much unstoppable. We let some scores in the fourth quarter, but at that point it was more redemption for the other team than threatening to our winning status. I LOVE BYU football.

I’m trying to remember if I’ve said what I meant to say yet. I hope so. I think so? I didn’t bring my journal with me… bad idea. I have a lot of things I’d like to write in there. My home is awesome. The Spirit is here. I love it. I love reading the Ensign while leisurely getting ready in the morning. It’s inspiring. I think I can be a better person. I know I can.

I am who I am. I live my life and do what suits me, so far as I feel it is what I should be doing. I danced in Europe this summer. I started a graduate program and will be halfway through come April. I have goals, ambitions, dreams, skills, talents. I won’t wait around for someone to come find me. I’ve got things to do, and I won’t contrive to try and get someone to join me for the ride. If they can’t see a good thing and chase after it… let them find their good thing elsewhere. I think I remember now what else I wanted to say.

While in Nashville, a singer at the Grand Ole Opry show I saw said, “I chased my dream until I caught it.” What a great way to phrase it. Dream-chasing takes work, and you sometimes have to run a long time before you catch it. I’m not sure it’s a dream of mine exactly, but because of those words I’ve decided to audition for the Radio City Rockettes Christmas show. Ambitious? Yes. Impossible? No. Nothing is impossible. My coworker, with whom I went to the Rockettes show in Nashville, quickly encouraged me to go for it. I’m young now, and will have time for old stuff when I’m old. When I told my mom the idea, she too was supportive, which surprised me, actually. I guess in my head I thought that dancing wasn’t practical. Maybe it doesn’t matter what is practical. Maybe passion is more important.

So there you have it. I love being home. I love dancing. I love food. I love being inspired, as well as being an inspiration. I hope I am that, at least sometimes.

And now I must find a picture that represents this amazing year. Wish me luck.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

craig · December 24, 2009 at 4:26 am

Those Candy Cane Crush cookies look magically delicious (the Lucky Charms theme jingle just went through my head), and I love the name you chose to christen the cookies with. I may have to ask for the recipe. 🙂

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