Scary Shower

Published by Erica on

So this morning I hopped in the shower to get ready for church, which starts at the most pleasing time of 11:30am. I had slept in a bit, relishing my last sleeping-in day for the next several days. For some reason though, I have a habit of closing my eyes in the shower as the hot water washes over me. I guess it is relaxing and revitalizing, at the same time. Anyways, a few minutes in I was soaking my hair so I could start shampooing. All of a sudden, I open my eyes and see BLACK WATER on the wall and swirling down the drain. BLACK WATER!!! Immediately my mind recalled images of a TV show I’d seen where the girl is about to shower and then red water starts spurting out of the shower head (yeah, it was bloody water). So with that lovely image in my head, I start trying to make sense of the blackness. At this point, I can see that the water coming out of the shower head is clean; I start worrying if some kind of dye had rubbed on my hair while I was sleeping. I checked, and my hair was still blonde. After a few minutes of worry I finally just finished washing, as the water seemed clear (and planned to stay that way).

I told my roommate, Rachel, this story after church and our other roommate, Ace (Candace), said that she had seen her sink water turn black that morning! I assume it was the same time as my dark shower moment. It sure makes me wonder……… I just hope it doesn’t happen ever again!

In other news, church was awesome! The ward seems very friendly and open, and I definitely plan to stay here more than my typical one-year stints. Not that my last ward was bad, but now I also have a nice apartment to tie me down too. I’m quite satisfied. Now if only I could find that last bag of kitchen stuff and finish unpacking my random boxes….

Categories: Uncategorized


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