Published by Erica on

Today I read about the importance of Young Adults and Family Home Evening. I’ll admit, this is something I’ve been very see-saw-ish about ever since I came to college. Sometimes I made it a priority to go, and other times I made it a priority not to go (making sure I worked on Monday nights). Why? Eh, it doesn’t matter now, it’s in the past. I’ve been more consistent in recent years about attending and recently decided that I want to make sure I go to FHE each Monday. I need to stay involved in my ward, and it’s a place where I can get to know a smaller group of people better. They also tend to have really good spiritual insights, which lift me up and help me as I work to become a better person. 

In other news, I’m still infatuated with my Kindle. And I’m fairly certain that I have seasonal affective disorder. Darn winter! Thankfully, Utah is sunnier in the winter than many places, so it’s not too bad overall. I do wish I could get my body/sleep to cooperate, though. It’s not so much that I feel SAD (haha get it, that’s the acronym) but my body is definitely acting certain ways that are just hard to conquer on my own right now. Or maybe its the fact that I have flannel sheets and silky pajamas. HEAVEN! 

And…. I need to get ready to head up to campus. This is what people do freshman year… take light schedules, have late classes, sleep lots. I don’t stay up all night like they do, but as a 2nd time senior, you’d think I would have staved off this “reversion” to a past that I never actually lived. I’m getting verbose now. I shall finish. 

Categories: Uncategorized


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