–Sonnet (Untitled)– 3-11-07

Published by Erica on

Like ribbons– wide and swirling swaths of light
That capture moving rhythms– colour-filled
Expressions– budding, bursting full and bright
With pulsing life force vibrant, pure, distilled
Into a figure: nature’s fairest rose.
A blossom crowned with glory– filled with fame
That bridges ages past to those more close–
As petals bend to trumpet loud the name
Amidst the crowd. A moment passes– hush–
With tender homage paid by rev’rent lips
Caressing nature– springtime’s gentlest blush
Arrayed– a fragrance breathed in hearty sips.
It stands majestic, proud and tall in bloom
So frail, yet strong– one rose can fill a room.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

Anonymous · November 13, 2008 at 4:02 pm

Erica, I never knew you were a poet–very impressive. I also didn’t know about your blog until just recently and love reading it. Call me to chat sometime or you are welcome to come over anytime.

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