
Published by Erica on

So, as might be apparent from my last post, I experienced a “slight” setback in my dating life… if that phrase even begins to describe the situation. (Some might argue that moratorium is a more fitting word). Either way, I’m in a sticky situation right now. As of today I am the proud owner of two EXCELLENT tickets to Christmas Around the World for the Saturday evening show, and I have absolutely no idea who to invite. Chad, my rusty trusty tag-along is married and off in Nebraska. The guy I had planned to ask… well that would be the proverbial fish that inspired me to stop fishing. There are several other stellar guys in the ward but I’m not sure how much they would appreciate being dragged on a semi-random first date to a dance concert where I know everyone and everything that is happening. And to cap it off, any remaining friends I have, old standbys I could call on, well, they’re all in the show! The irony. It will be interesting to see what I figure out for that ticket…..

So here is another interesting thought. I ran across Bethanie’s blog and saw this nifty thing called Wordle there. Basically it is a word collage that you can create from your blog, random text, etc. I decided to see what my blog would look like in a wordle. The two biggest words on the page? Fish and fishing. Have I not sufficiently expressed my love of dance? My devotion to the art that never dies or wanes, no matter how much my limbs fight me? What about my great interest in music? Painting, drawing, photography? Seriously, dance was one of the smallest words on the page. Be warned– there may be a very substantial posting in the future extolling the many MANY virtues of dance.

Life is an adventure. I got looking really cute today (I know, pride goeth before the fall) but really, I did look cute! I was looking forward to FHE tonight, partly because we have an awesome group and partly because I could interact with an individual who I’m trying to be friends with (and ONLY friends). Maybe I just wanted to look good so he could see what he was missing out on, as I chatted perfectly happily with my friends. I wore my nice corduroy pants with my baby-doll blouse, did my hair with my 3-barrel waver, and put on my fun black necklace. FHE was canceled tonight. Let me just suggest that there are a few downsides to working with all women… no guy will get the chance to appreciate my masterpiece of me today! By the time I see a guy tonight I will have changed into my running clothes for our evening run. Those are a VERY different kind of cute, if they are cute at all. *Sigh*

Here’s a happy story– I’m going home for Thanksgiving!! I haven’t gone home for Thanksgiving since I came to college, so I am super excited to see the family and eat lots of food with them! We have lots of adults so we can play fun games; we have more girls so we can go shopping; we have four-wheelers that most definitely need to be driven! I had a lot of friends ask earlier in the year if I was ever coming back to Missouri… this will be a fast trip but we’ll see if I can’t visit some old friends there too.

From how this post started off it might seem like I am not satisfied with life right now. While there are some challenges I wish didn’t have to happen, I am truly loving life and so grateful for the blessings I’ve experienced these past few months. I live in a fabulous ward with friendly, spiritual people that I continually enjoy getting to know better. I am on two fantastic dance companies that allow me to refine my skills and continue performing (which makes me so happy! I love the dance stage!). My roommates this year are great gals– all returned missionaries, and all examples to me in many ways. I have grown so much these past few months, and a lot of that has been from their stellar examples. My testimony of the Saviour has deepened more than I could have thought, and I have felt the very real power of prayer and scripture study in my life. I have a great job working in an uplifting environment with great people. I get to continue my studies while I work, which makes me so thankful to have gotten this job. And, best of all, I have a HUGE family that loves me! I get to visit my adorable nephew, talk with my parents and brothers, and best of all I get to see them all in about 52 hours. (Haha, there’s a randomly accurate guess for ya’ll who think I’m not so hot on math). The road is always full of pot-holes and puddles, but the journey is so worth it.

Categories: Uncategorized


Michelle · December 2, 2008 at 3:23 pm

It was so great to see you! It was fun to shop and hang out with you! You’ll have to let me know how things go with all your cute new purchases! You’ll be quite the stylish babe!

Anonymous · December 23, 2008 at 8:38 pm

Hey, just thought I’d write a little something on here. Haven’t check out your blog lately. My blogging motivation always rises while feasting upon the vast word bank that gracefully lies in transcendent order on your Blog. Do you read a lot? Your vocab rocks my world.

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