What happened?

Published by Erica on

I have no idea what happened in the past month or so, but my social life has suddenly reappeared. When it rains it pours, right? I watched “Groundhog Day” with my FHE sisters and some other ward friends tonight to commemorate this capacious holiday. Tomorrow I am hoping to catch one of our ward intramural teams play soccer, Wednesday I’m choreographing with Ananda, Thursday I’m going to see the Royal Ballet from the London school, Friday I am going to see the BYU Young Ambassador’s show, Saturday I have rehearsal and believe there is a movie group in the evening, and I am already booked for next Friday with unspecified plans. I have no idea what I did, but I hope it keeps happening! Also intersperse in there the frequent game nights with Rustin, Adam, usually one of the Scotts, and whoever else we can round up, and I’ve acquired a rather busy social schedule. I need to get back into my busy mindset like I had when I was in school so I can accomplish all my other stuff and still play hard.

I’ve lost my train of thought at least twice now. I meant to go to bed over an hour ago. All that partying… I just wanted to document how starkly contrasted my life has become versus a month ago. It is a welcome change, for which I am deeply grateful. This is the life, and I’m so happy to be living.

Categories: Uncategorized


Anonymous · February 3, 2009 at 5:46 pm

I”m so happy that you’re happy. You know a mother can only be as happy as her saddest child!!! I’m glad it is not you.

love you

Anonymous · February 4, 2009 at 3:13 am

I’m glad things are going so well! Hope to see you soon.

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