Incredible Weekend in Cornhusker-ville

Published by Erica on

Welcome to Lincoln, Nebraska!!

Be prepared, there’s lots of pictures.

So this weekend I took a quick trip out to see Chad and Michelle in Lincoln. It was so much fun! Not only is it always nice to get a break from the bubble that is Provo, but we had so much fun too!

Saturday was our day out and about Lincoln. Since it was game day, we opted to stay away from downtown. We went to buy some last things for Baby Boy Burgin (Freddy? Barathamew?). He’s not even here yet and I just know he’s going to be the cutest thing ever! His room is so cute, with his striped bumpers and swing all set up. And Michelle got the cutest little carrier cover so he doesn’t freeze in the Nebraska wind. He’ll be like a little Sherpa in his sheepskin wrap! Michelle and I had a fun time trying to get the carrier unlatched from the base…. It’s actually a lot easier than it looks. Yeah… rock on being blonde.

Speaking of blonde…. so at the airport on the way out, I was waiting for my bags to go through the screening check (I flew all carry-on). I was waiting and waiting because I thought the guy was double-checking the luggage from the lady in front of me. Then I saw her grabbing her bags. I looked down and realized that I hadn’t pushed my bags far enough for the conveyor to catch them. The guy was just sitting tapping his fingers…… yeah. Blonde moment. At least no one said anything about it 🙂

So after our trip to Target, we drove up to East Campus (UNL) to see Chad’s law school. It’s a nice area. And, just a little bit down the road is the…. dum dum duhhhhhhh TADA!! The Tractor Museum!

This cute little old man gave the tour. Apparently, Nebraska law makers back in the early 1900’s made a law that every tractor sold in Nebraska had to be tested for drawbar pull and… some other kind of pull. As you can see in this picture, the tour was geared more towards Chad than Michelle and me.

Hey, there, good lookin’! We had some great photo ops while Chad got educated on tractors. And they did have some sweet John Deere tractors… my favorites!

They even had some old cars! I don’t remember what this one was, but they had a Model T Ford truck around the corner.

This is my attempt at an artistic shot. Tractors are tough models… the car worked a little better. This is its headlight, framed by the wheel. The picture quality seems to be lacking… I’m hoping to get a new camera one of these days.

Did I mention that I like John Deere?

There are only so many things you can do trying to get cool pictures of tractors. And, unfortunately, I don’t think I got a picture of THE tractor that was actually used in a test. They only test one from each model, and the museum had one of those! It was orange… and very exciting.

Sadly, that’s where the pictures end… but not the adventures! Saturday night I had a blind date with a friend of Chad’s in law school, Gavin Parker. Wow, I had so much fun! We went downtown to the Haymarket district for dinner. The Cornhuskers lost the football game, but there was still some rowdy partying going on. We ended up going to an Indian restaurant (LOVE Indian food!) and spent forever talking and occasionally eating. If anyone ever goes to The Oven in Lincoln, get the Chicken Bhutan. It was amazing! After dinner we headed out to find some ice cream. There was some negotiation, a few trust falls (ok maybe not), and some sweet moonwalking involved in the selection: Bunny Tracks. You gotta love the chocolate fudge goodness and peanut butter-filled bunnies. Suffice it to say, it was a most enjoyable evening. And the best part? I got a second round on Sunday! I went with Gavin to the Lincoln singles ward– awesome people there– and afterwards we had lunch. We cooked up some BLT’s and ended up having lunch with his two roommates, Jordan and Miles, and Miles’ girlfriend, Darcy. It was so much fun! They’re really cool people. We had some ice cream for dessert, and Gavin was kind enough to leave some bunnies in mine 🙂

So, hooray for Nebraska!! Thanks Chad and Michelle for being such great hosts. I can’t wait to come visit again!

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

Michelle · October 20, 2009 at 1:57 pm

Love the post! We loved having you here and happy to hear that you had a great time as well! Oh and you gotta love the blonde moments…I had PLENTY of those! 🙂

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