Time Travel

Published by Erica on

So when getting my pictures from Nebraska off my camera, I realized I had some other ones from the beginning of the semester that I hadn’t taken off yet. Thus, I haven’t told the stories of them either! So, in more or less chronological order, here we go.

World of Dance, September 16-19

Fulfilling yet another dance dream, I got to perform in World of Dance, with the top BYU dance groups, in the de Jong Concert Hall. Colleen West choreographed a tap dance to a mix of Michael Buble songs for the concert. I actually didn’t even have to audition… since she knows my dancing. That was a happy moment for me. Anyways, we started rehearsing a week before school started and put together the dance in a week! Thank goodness we had two and a half weeks after that to polish, stage, and do dress rehearsals.

The performances were absolutely amazing! The audience loved us and gave us some of the loudest cheers each night. Saturday night was my absolute favorite performance, though. It was our second performance that day- we had a matinee show- but even so, I felt so energized. Ideally, the dance (and dancers) should build in energy from the first movement to the last step. Usually I would feel that energy jump as the last section began, but on Saturday night each development of the music gradually and naturally built into the final climax. It was an energy level I hadn’t tapped (ha! pun intended) into yet. AMAZING. Outside of that performance, I loved the feeling I got at the end of each dance. As we hit the last pose, slowly turning with the BOOM and the fading lights…cheers and claps growing into resounding applause… that, too, is an awesome feeling.

Here’s most of the group. Aren’t our costumes so cool?

We really bonded in the green room. And I got to refresh my tie tying skills. Those ties must have been for younger guys, because they were awfully short! It’s a bit of a miracle that we were able to tie them long enough to stay tucked in our jackets. Go skillz.

Here is a happy hot air balloon that was flying over campus one day. Some intelligent person a few days earlier had called BYU police to report a (different) hot air balloon floating over campus. I love reading the Daily Universe, especially Police Beat! I swear, our highly academic institution has some very, uh, less-intelligent people running around sometimes. That or they need to think a bit longer before they do things. Police Beat happily informed the student body that BYU doesn’t own the airspace above BYU ground. I know I was worried that a hot air balloon invasion could be occurring. 🙂

Really though, I loved walking in to work in the brisk morning air and seeing this bright rainbow balloon. That’s a good way to start your day.

Categories: Uncategorized


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