Miss you

Published by Erica on

Dear A-,

Today I remembered why work is sometimes a great thing. It helps me not think about the fact that you’re gone for the whole weekend. And by whole, I mean from Thursday early-morning until Monday late-late-night. That’s a long time. That’s like… 5 days. Ish. But seeing as you’re my boyfriend, I am most definitely rounding up. I miss you. I’m glad you have a good reason to be gone.. I mean family is probably the absolute best reason to not be sitting next to me right now. I wish I were sitting by you. Sometimes reality is not very nice. I’d much rather be with you than going to work on Monday, going to class today, sleeping in tomorrow…….. yeah. Next time we’ll plan better and I’ll go with you. 

Oh, and even though J-gal said that real men aren’t phone people… sometimes I wish you would use yours a bit more. Don’t you want to talk to me? Text me? I don’t want to smother you with my feelings, but I miss you. I can’t wait until you get back!!! And I hope you call/text soon. I know you’re busy…. but I hope you’re remembering me too. 
Categories: Uncategorized


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