
Published by Erica on

These first two pictures are Aric’s graduation gift: I gave him a framed picture of the two of us, along with the BYU blanket. I made it! (Thanks Megan for helping me cut it straight!)

I am trying to stay humble but… this turned out really well. I like it!

Thursday April 22, 2010 Commencement
Aric and his best friend, Jeff

My handsome guy (and a beautiful day outside!)

He loves taking pictures… check out those eyes!

My new blanket model. Don’t forget, he’s already taken.

I’m so sad that this turned out fuzzy. I saw Aric at the end of the long line of graduates as they took their seats. I was so excited! But I didn’t get his attention until he was past me, so I had to hurry the picture…. but I still think he looks good, and you can see the smile.

The good thing about him being next to last in the line? I knew exactly where he was sitting. I’m sure glad my camera has a good zoom. 

Ahhh…. the sweet feeling of success

With the family: Mom (Shelly) and Dad (Tyler) Wright, Keith, and Truly. 
And Aric. 

What a stud! He’s all grown up and graduated. Wahoo!
Categories: Uncategorized


Anonymous · April 24, 2010 at 3:00 am

are all the fringes tied on the blanket? some look undone. It turned out cute! Great job! Tell Aric congratulations on graduating.

Erica · April 25, 2010 at 3:34 am

I tied every other one for the blanket fringes. It holds together just as well and it looks good, I think. I'm glad you like it!

Hillary · April 25, 2010 at 11:48 pm

love it. Love the pics. Love seeing you with Aric. Love you. 🙂

Helena · May 3, 2010 at 6:16 pm

Aw, congrats to Aric! And you guys look perfect together 🙂

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