Advice Needed

Published by Erica on

I love summer for many reasons, but one of them is the footwear. It’s so easy to find cute sandals to wear, they’re inexpensive, and all is fine and dandy. And then comes Fall (and Winter….) and you have to wear close-toed shoes. Ick. Herein is my dilemma. I need to find some cute, versatile shoes to wear. I’m a professor, so they  need to be somewhat professional, but I don’t necessarily want to wear heels all the time, but I could probably use some anyways….. maybe I should just buy like 5 pairs of shoes and call it good. Haha goodness knows that I’d be just happy with that (my checkbook would highly disagree though). So…. what do you think? Type of shoe? Color? Style? I don’t even have a direction right now, otherwise I’d put up options and ask. What a conundrum…..

Shoes. The reason why summer should last forever. 
Categories: Uncategorized


Unknown · October 8, 2010 at 6:21 pm

I am constantly in the same predicament! I like the store "Cozy" over by Fresh Market and Downeast. They have cute shoes that are flats and low heels. I also like wearing boots in the winter! Let me know if you find some other cool stores!

Helena · October 8, 2010 at 7:19 pm

I love wearing boots. If you find professional looking ones, I say buy them immediately.

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