Requesting your Comments

Published by Erica on

Dear friends,

I’m pretty certain that more than a few people read my blog from time to time. Sometimes I write on here just for myself, but if you’re out there, I’d love your comments.

Life threw me a gift in disguise about 6 weeks ago. While I am very grateful now for that event, it doesn’t mean life is all peaches and roses. Or strawberries and sunflowers. Happiness comes from inside, yes. My life will be changing in the next 7-8 months, regardless of anything else that happens from this day forward. I’m excited for all of that to happen. But right now it is winter… and not just literally. There are a few warm days, here and there. There are more sunny days, but just because there is sunshine doesn’t mean it’s warm. And… let’s face it. Sometimes we just have down days. 

What do you to bring sunshine to your days? How do you maintain your internal happiness when you’re just having an off day? 

Thanks for the help 🙂

– Me
Categories: Uncategorized


Janneke · January 23, 2011 at 5:33 am

That's a good question, Erica. I'm sorry you're having a down time. I feel like I had a down year in 2010.. which led me to my 2011 goal searching for more happiness. I haven't discovered a cure-all answer yet.. but if I do I'll let you know. In the meantime, here's what I would say.

Off days are going to happen. And I think the trick is to be grateful for them (even tho that sounds like a terrbile answer). Opposition in all things. In order to know the good we have to know the bad. I think those low times make the high times even better than if we didn't know the lows. But.. that doesn't mean we have to like them or that we can't do all we can to get out of them sooner.

So.. with that said. I'm making a "happy" go-to list for myself. A list of things I KNOW bring me joy. And when I'm having an off moment or day or week.. I'm going to refer to my list and just do something to bring a little bit of joy back.

Good luck girlie. I hope you find a little ray of sunshine on those cloudy days.

Anonymous · January 23, 2011 at 2:17 pm

Start writing a list of things you are grateful for. Add to it daily. That will help you focus on the good things and happy things in your life and help you feel better about life. I love you!

Alex & Megan · January 23, 2011 at 3:36 pm

The thing that helps me the most is to remember who loves me – family, friends, kids – and when it feels like there is no one who loves you, (because sometimes we all feel that way), your HF is ALWAYS there and He loves you more than anyone! Pray to feel His love, then call me and I will remind you how much we love you too! 🙂

Jenny Alama · January 25, 2011 at 11:48 pm

2010 was QUITE a downer year for Fez and I. We had some great highs, but LOTS of lows. Some things that helped me (and still do cause we ain't out of it yet!) are: write in a gratitude journal, read at least 5 scriptures a day- no matter what, listen to church music or talks while I get ready, watch a chick flick and bawl my eyes out (usually by myself cause no one wants to see that). Hope that helps! Love ya girl!!!

Britt · January 26, 2011 at 1:30 am

Go skydiving, or rocky mountain climbing, or ride a bull named FuManchu… 😉 Honestly, though, that really is a great song with a great message: busy yourself with things that you love and that are fun. Serve others. Go for walks discussing life with Heaven. Prayer is a big one, actually. And go to the temple for some perspective. As ironic as it sounds, sometimes when I remember why I am having trials, it is a little easier to get through them. Knowing I am doing all I can to stay close to the Lord gives me comfort to know that the Lord is giving me trials because He loves me and wants me to progress and become the woman he wants me to become. Maybe that will help you? Just a thought.

and like Alex and Megan said, remember who loves you. There are lot of us out there! 🙂

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