Infamous Pamplona

Published by Erica on

Approx. 8 pm, Sunday July 10th. Thus begins the 13 hr saga of Pamplona and the Running of the Bulls.
Approx. 9:15 pm. 12 hours left in Pamplona. 

Approx. 9:50 pm. This is our reaction to the news that we still have 11 hours until the bus comes back. 

About 10:15 pm. Looking at food is always a good distraction. 

About 11 pm. Fireworks show begins. 

About 11:30 pm. Fireworks show wraps up. Very impressive finale!

Shortly after midnight, now July 11th (Monday). 

12:15 am. Much partying and dancing in the plaza. 

About 12:20 am. Feeling not so bad about Pamplona! It got more enjoyable as we walked along the running route and saw these people dancing in the square. After all, we are in Pamplona at the Running of the Bulls! The whole night couldn’t be a complete loss/countdown.

12:30 am. At the bull pens. This is one of the bulls that runs daily. 

12:35 am. About to head down to the carnival across the river/down the hill. 

About 4:15 am. Tuckered out homeless Americans sleeping on cardboard (the lucky ones) and nasty sidewalk. And “sleeping” is a relative term. 

About 6:45 am. The arena opens and people start filling in. It’s still cold. 
About 7:45 am. The run is minutes away from beginning and the crowds are packed! We are just happy the sun is up and the main event is about to begin. And then my camera dies. It’s okay; words and pictures can’t describe the joy we felt at seeing our bus pull in at 9:30/10:00 am!


Jackie · August 10, 2011 at 4:31 pm

you lead a fabulous life…

Amy · August 12, 2011 at 11:10 pm

you also make it seem like it wasn't that bad.

It. was. AWFUL. but I love that you took pictures of ever five minutes. since we looked at our watches that often…

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