October in Recap

Published by Erica on

  • My first full month working again
  • Got paid for the first time at my new job!
  • Bought my first mattress set
  • Moved to south Salt Lake City
  • Began rehearsals for two different dance performances
  • Met new friends and went on many dates (1+ per week)
  • Fell in like and unlike with a lawyer
  • Fell in like and unlike with a business student (who gave me a bald spot one night)
  • Realized that my warning sensors are actually very finely tuned regarding relationships… I just need to tune into them and accept what they’re telling me
  • Saw “Dracula” the ballet, and bought tickets to see Savion Glover (whopee!)
  • Still living out of suitcases (since I moved in mid-August)
  • Attended the temple at least once (didn’t realize what a blessing unemployment was to allow me time to go every week!)
  • Took zero pictures
  • Discovered the glories of Hire’s burgers
  • Babysat cute niece and nephew in NSL
  • Missed cute niece and nephew in Springville
  • Went to a single’s ward. Ew. Depressing. If I’m 31 and single, I’m going to a family ward. 
  • Saw “Footloose” and fell in love with the lead male. HOT!
I think it’s fair to say that I’m happy October is over. It was extremely topsy-turvy, especially with dating. I think that all the stress, change and instability made me quick to see stability in the 1-2 guys who seemed promising and showed interest. For better or worse. Such is life, and I simply do my best. I spent much of last week battling anxiety and tears… and last night opened a good floodgate and channel of heavenward communication. Emotionally speaking, today was great! School is still hard a lot of the time, especially when it requires your best no matter how you feel. Despite feeling better internally, class didn’t go as well as I might have hoped. Oh well, they’ll be back tomorrow. But I’m very thankful to have my heart and head back in alignment. It’s a tender mercy. Well, I need to finish lesson plans for tonight, get ready for a Halloween party, and all that jazz. I promise to finish my treatise on Halloween and Carnival very soon. Perhaps tomorrow night? I do miss writing about intellectual topics. I’m one of those school nerds that really enjoyed writing research papers. I really do want to get back into the college field one day. Anyways, fun calls!
Categories: Uncategorized


Jackie · November 1, 2011 at 2:53 pm

south SLC?? So far away 🙁 Glad you went on that many dates… :)!

Unknown · November 2, 2011 at 7:49 pm

I'm sorry you are having a rough time right now :(. I just wanted to say that I am SO HAPPY that we are doing the Motab thing together! It wouldn't be as much fun without you!

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