Belated Holidays

Published by Erica on

I’m a little behind with my holiday pictures. I blame Blogger… this whole thing about not being able to upload more pictures . Although, given the two I just tested and posted below…. it seems to be working again??? 

So, my mom came out to visit her Utah chillens and grandchillens at the beginning of December. I was enjoying my final days of unemployment and got to spend several days just enjoying my family and the holidays. Chad and Michelle hauled all of us to see the Festival of Trees, a first for me, and later we went to see the lights on Temple Square. That was my first time ever seeing the lights with my family! We had a really great time enjoying the warmish weather and seeing all that the Festival and Temple Square had to offer. 
The trees sparkling on the south side of the temple.
My mom and I! 

Cars Tree

Chocolate tree

Upside-down tree

Cute red and turquoise tree

This is what it is all about, of course!

I love the red trees

Pop bottle tree

Not the greatest picture, but here we are at the end of our busy day of Christmas-ing.
It was a great way to start off the month of December. I have some pictures from the Christmas Concert too… not sure how many of those I can legally put up on here for now. But I need to download them first so… I will get to work on that, lol. And then perhaps I can get my mom to share the pictures she took at Christmas, since I left my camera in Utah. (Mom: hint hint – Dropbox!) 

Merry Christmas!


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