The #1 Back-to-School Journaling Tip You Need
And it’s not too late to start now and save memories!
I love journaling as a way to record special memories – writing has just always been a go-to for me that way! It’s great to take a few moments to reflect on the experience and savor it all over again, plus going back and reading the words and thoughts of myself is like literally getting in time machine! Journaling is worth the time and effort, but it’s also challenging to journal for myself AND all my kids! And that’s how this gem came to be.

One thing I love about reading over my old journal entries from childhood is the recurring list of what I loved to do at that age and what my favorite food was. It gives me a glimpse of the person I was and the person I was growing into! I took that idea and grew it just a little bigger into 5 fun questions that you can ask your kiddo every year.
As a parent, I want to understand how my kids think and see the world around them, and these questions give a fun glimpse into their inner worlds! It also helps them practice self-reflection and self-awareness.
And of course, I’m excited to see how the answers change as they grow!
So as you jump into all the busy preparations of back-to-school, find a few minutes this week to sit down and ask your kids these questions. They’ll love having some special one-on-one time, you’ll get to discover a little more about your kiddos, and journaling their answers means they can go back and remember what they felt like and loved when they were 5 or 8 or 11! It’s never too late to start journaling.
Do you have a special back-to-school tradition? Tell me all about it in the comments!