Culture makes life rich

Published by Erica on

It will likely surprise no one that I am a frequent reader and follower of things like the Smithsonian magazine online, with an occassional NY Times article thrown in for good measure. I have it on good authority (thanks, Patriarch), that knowledge makes me a more interesting person. Having heard similar things from many other sources, in addition to studying Humanities, I’m become something of a sponge or magnet for depictions of culture and history… and daily news. Don’t worry, this one is about culture, which is almost always the most interesting topic of the three. 

I ran across this article about the Krampus, the counterpart to Saint Nicholas in several European countries. It is absolutely fascinating to me that this ancient tradition has hung on into modern days! I also think there’s something to be said for the idea of dualism it promotes… things come in pairs to maintain balance and order. Here’s a little snippet from the article to introduce you to the other side of Christmas creatures!
Krampus creatures roam the streets in search of naughty children to punish during Krampusnacht, November 30, 2013, in Neustift im Stubaital, Austria. Sixteen Krampus groups including over 200 Krampuses participated in the first annual Neustift event. Krampus has been a part of Central European, alpine folklore going back at least a millennium, and since the 17th-century Krampus traditionally accompanies St. Nicholas and angels on the evening of December 5 to visit households to reward children that have been good while reprimanding those who have not. However, in the last few decades Tyrol in particular has seen the founding of numerous village Krampus associations with up to 100 members each, who parade without St. Nicholas at Krampus events throughout November and early December.(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)


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