Culture makes life rich

It will likely surprise no one that I am a frequent reader and follower of things like the Smithsonian magazine online, with an occassional NY Times article thrown in for good measure. I have it on good authority (thanks, Patriarch), that knowledge makes me a more interesting person. Having heard Read more…

Academic Chops

I decided to enter my thoughts into the HERA (Humanities) Conference for 2013. Why?? I don’t know. I guess because parts of me miss academia and I knew my prior research fit will with the topic of sacred site/secular spaces. I may or may not be accepted… I’m sure they Read more…

Doctor who?

For whatever reason, I’ve been thinking lately of going back to school. I know, am I insane? Probably! I have always enjoyed learning and school. Despite the associated stress, I quite enjoyed doing the research for those lengthy papers I wrote. I remember trying to squeeze oodles of information into Read more…

Think happy thoughts

I’ve been thinking a lot lately. The house is relatively quiet without my mom here to keep me busy with errands and cooking projects… and sure, I can do those on my own, but then I’ll eat all that yummy goodness! And we don’t need groceries, which takes out the Read more…

Cool Art

One day I will teach Humanities again, and this will be a cool thing to talk about! Interesting, isn’t it, how so much in life is all about perspective?

Diversity Day

That sounds like the title to an episode of  The Office…. Today in class we read a Persian folk tale. Three brothers are rug weavers and the prince of Persia has to marry the princess of Bagdad (their spelling, not mine) and he runs a competition for rugs… long story Read more…

Lessons Learning

So my dad would write my missionary brothers each week on their missions. Having never served, I sometimes envied them for the contact and attention they got. I love my dad and we have good talks, but I generally talk to my mom when I call home. So a few Read more…

Not blogging

I’m fairly certain that it’s a good thing I haven’t finished the last blog post I was working on. It makes me feel like I can’t write more until I complete it. Obviously not stopping me right now but…  It’s going to be a really awesome treatment of modern Halloween Read more…

Gifts for teacher

One young boy in my class gave me my first gift of teaching. He said “Ms. Burgin?  You make me feel good inside.” It’s a job with few worldly accolades, but of the things that matter most, teaching ranks pretty high. Moments like this one remind me of that.