My Wild Irish Rose

My Grandpa Price plays the harmonica. During our family reunion in 2006, shortly after my return from Ireland, we had a talent show, with each family presenting a talent. I represented my family, performing some newly learned reel steps from Ireland. When it came to Grandma and Grandpa’s turn, Grandpa Read more…

Time for a change…

After at least ten years without bangs… I have them back!! I got my hair cut on Friday and absolutely love it! Interestingly, almost everyone has asked if I dyed my hair. I guess deep down at my roots, I really am not blonde. Here’s some pics! I’m still training Read more…

Player or Playee?

So, at least once a week I play various games with some people in my ward, namely Rustin and his apartment. It is a great way to spend some time with other people, and the games we play are generally really fun: Bang!, Scum, Pirate’s Dice, Guillotine, Hearts, Killer Bunnies, Read more…

Snowmobiles and Steak

So today we had a ward activity in Fairview, UT. Up in the mountains there is a great area for…. snowmobiling!! In fact, you have to snowmobile from the parking lot to where our home base was set up. Talk about a great activity. I went up in the afternoon Read more…

10 Things That Bug Me

I’ve been tagged! I don’t have a lot of blog followers that I know of, though, so I’m not going to tag anyone… yet. So, in no particular order of importance, here goes. 1. People that don’t plan ahead. I am not the most punctual person all the time, but Read more…

Another great quote

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain (1835-1910)

Bollywood Booty

So I finally broke out my Bollywood Booty workout video. Between hurting my back and … being sore or tired… I just haven’t done much working out. Being a dancer I don’t usually feel awkward moving my body, but I had the hardest time doing some of those moves! It’s Read more…