
Published by Erica on

I have a problem.

I am obsessed with books. 

It’s a good thing that I have a Kindle so I can feed my obsession at minimal cost, aka none. The free collections are my saving grace. Admittedly, some of the promotional items lack literary value, but many are quite good and make for great, quick escape reads. And the classics? Well, those are my joy anyways! 

I binged again today. “Bought” more books. 

I have over 100 books on my Kindle by now, and I’m sure at least half have not been read. But that’s okay. They’ll get read eventually. Until then, I will keep splurging on Amazon Kindle books every few times a month. 

Books are good for you. 

Read them.

Binge wisely. 

Categories: Bookslove

1 Comment

Jenny Alama · September 30, 2011 at 8:33 pm

So I was offered to buy my friend's Kindle the other day and I have been debating it… I wanted one for Christmas but I don't know if I want Christmas so early. Do I want Christmas so early?? Help me!

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