Momentous Moments

Published by Erica on

First, I have to announce that in two months from today, I will be Mrs. Erica B. Gonzalez!! June 15th keeps inching closer and closer, despite all of life’s attempts to make it seem far away. WOW! That’s super exciting and I’m glad we still have some time to plan and get things finished up. In all honesty, most of the wedding things are taken care of… at least the major ones. Announcements are in progress of being designed, we’ve found an apartment, the honeymoon is coming together (from what I’m allowed to know about it) and soon it will all be happening. The best part of being engaged? Realizing ever so slowly just how much Joan loves me by all the small things (and big things) he does just for my happiness. 

Second, I now have over 300 blog posts. I love writing!!

Third, I think Spring Break really worked for me. I had gotten really run down emotionally with work, and even spiritually too. (And physically.) It was so wonderful to sleep in! To stay up late reading a book! The days were still rather stressful, particularly with searching for an apartment. I have driven so much in the past week, it is nuts! Today was very rewarding though. Joan came to church with me, which was fantastic, and several of the talks and lessons touched on happiness. It’s been a difficult winter for me to maintain a healthy emotional balance. Of course I’ve been thrilled with many aspects of my life, but others have been so opposite in the other direction that… it’s been a challenge. Today though, I feel like I am back in charge of my life and my happiness. Some days will still be hard, I know. Some days I might not remember that I am in charge of my happiness and my attitude. But I will do my best to remember!

There is so much in the world for us all if we only have the eyes to see it, and the heart to love it, and the hand to gather it to ourselves.


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