Day 18: Helaman 5:30, 46-47

Published by Erica on

It’s getting personal tonight — consider yourself sufficiently forewarned. Don’t worry, it’s pretty good stuff. 🙂

It shouldn’t be this hard to find a place to live. 

It’s been a rough night. I’ve been looking more diligently lately for a place in Salt Lake City. I feel like it’s about time that I break out of the comfort zone of the grandparents’ basement and push myself… and get a more active social life. I really do love it here, but I know that the clock is winding down. I have been trying to find the right place, the right location… maybe even the perfect place. I know very few people in Salt Lake. I am trying to move forward with faith, despite my fears of not making friends and being lonely. Searching, calling people, coordinating with potential roommates (it was a blow when that completely fell flat, not going to lie), figuring out what I’m looking for and where I’m willing to look. Truly, it shouldn’t be this hard. But it is. I got lost driving to the place I checked out tonight. It’s a decent place. Small but workable room. Plenty of storage. Semi-shared bathroom. But I didn’t love the neighborhood. I didn’t feel much connection to the one roommate I met. I didn’t like the location. There’s not much yard, there’s no park nearby, and it’s not really near much in the immediate surroundings. And I got lost driving there. 

So, my mind was kind of a jumble tonight. I’ve been trying to understand how the Spirit speaks to me. I think that’s something I’ve been learning better during this walk with Christ. As the tears were overwhelming me, I knew I had to get help and I needed the scriptures. I’ve just been going through the Book of Mormon chapter by chapter, and I haven’t been keeping up on it as well since starting this project. But wouldn’t you know, I opened to my bookmark in Helaman 5 and started skimming through the chapter. I needed something, and fast. And there it was in verse 30. And 46-47. Three verse telling me how the Spirit talks and what I should feel when the answer is positive. He is quiet. Pleasant. Peaceful. And that is how I will feel when the answer is right: quiet, pleasant,  peaceful. 

I didn’t feel peaceful while contemplating the possibility of moving to this place. My mom could tell when I mentioned in a way that implied my doubts. My brother wisely asked if I felt at home at any of the places I’ve looked at. No. I haven’t. That’s pretty straight forward of an answer. I suppose there is some reason for me waiting. I thought I would have been moved out back in September! Or October. I do trust that there’s a reason. I understand a little bit why I needed to be here during autumn. I had some great experiences and learned a lot. I truly hope I can figure out where I need to be next. I feel peaceful about continuing to look. If any of you unknown readers out there have suggestions about the Salt Lake scene or anything …. this is a good day to share 🙂


Sarah Jensen · February 21, 2013 at 2:25 pm

Hey Erica,
What an adventure you are on. I had one person come to mind and she is incredible. I am waiting to hear back if she has extra room in her apartment. She is in the Magna area, but surprisingly, the Magna YSA is SO awesome! there are a lot of good people. This girl's sister, who was her roommate, got married. So, I just asked to see if there was room. The apartments are nice. She does social work at the U. The location is great because it is near to the freeway, which makes the commutes not too bad. Good luck in your search. I know you'll find the right place. 🙂

Sarah Jensen · February 21, 2013 at 2:27 pm

Hey Erica,
What an adventure you are on. I had one person come to mind and she is incredible. I am waiting to hear back if she has extra room in her apartment. She is in the Magna area, but surprisingly, the Magna YSA is SO awesome! there are a lot of good people. This girl's sister, who was her roommate, got married. So, I just asked to see if there was room. The apartments are nice. She does social work at the U. The location is great because it is near to the freeway, which makes the commutes not too bad. Good luck in your search. I know you'll find the right place. 🙂

Erica · February 21, 2013 at 2:46 pm

Thanks Sarah 🙂

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