Dave’s Baptism

Published by Erica on

I had the best long weekend last week!! I went to Washington D.C. to see my amazing boyfriend, Dave, get baptized. He is such a wonderful man. We met earlier this year, before he had really begun investigating, and even then I was impressed by his moral character, integrity, and especially his kindness and generosity. I feel incredibly blessed to be dating such a great guy, and doubly blessed that his investigation of the church led to a conversion within him. It’s a great story, but for now here are some pictures of the day. 

Colin, our mutual friend who introduced us, baptized Dave. 
Linda, Dave’s mom, came up from Florida to support him. 
Not pictured are my parents, Elder and Sister Gillespie from the D.C. Temple Visitor’s Center, and all the ward family that came out to support Dave on this special day!


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