Day 15: Isaiah 40:31

Published by Erica on

Prayer is a much about answers as it is about the act of praying. This scripture seemed fitting, because so often the answer phase of prayer requires us to wait on The Lord. I’m single and 27, still waiting for the blessing of marriage. I have friends my same age who are married, by waiting for the blessing of children. I have friends my age who are waiting until the next life to see departed spouses, children. I think every human being waits to understand the “why” of various events in their lives. We must wait on the Lord. Thankfully, some answers come sooner and help us wait on the big ones.

Last night, I was trying to understand how I get answers to prayer. I chose to pray to better understand that process, and today at church I got an answer. One thing I have found during this process, is that it is easier for me to recognize when answers are being given. In chapter 4 of the Lorenzo Snow manual, there is a part that talks about being familiar with the spirit so we can understand the answers it is revealing to us. I realized that this was my answer! The way for me to receive answers to prayer is to be familiar with the spirit. Of course, that is easy to say and harder to do sometimes. I feel like this process has helped me recognize that spirit and see answers more frequently because of that. Some answers comes through reading the Scriptures. Some answers come in a feeling such as peace and calm. Some answers come in ways that will still take more processing to understand, but that are there for sure.

How do you recognize the Spirit and recognize the answers it gives you?

Categories: faithPrayer


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