busy bee

Published by Erica on

well, you may have wondered why i fell off the bloggingplanet lately. to be honest, life is so crazy busy right now! school is super super stressful and has been taking my health on a downhill run for a while now. since january, really. it’s not exactly a good thing when your skinny jeans don’t fit snugly… especially fresh out of the dryer. aside from getting the life sucked out of me on a daily basis, my own personal life is thriving thriving!! which in turn keeps me busy and occupied constantly, thus i have little time to update my blog. there’s only 100 other things to be doing right now. like sleep. and laundry. and lesson plans. and unpacking my room. yes, it’s been months and i still have not completely arranged my living quarters!! one day i’ll have time to put it together, probably just in time to move again when my contract is up. oh well, bridges for another day. if you are really interested in what’s happening in my life, stay tuned. i’ll try to keep ya posted as things happen. look at this year already! january is already over and february is chugging away quickly. school honestly can’t be over soon enough for me. i hope i can sing/speak again normally after it ends. and i hope the stress stops taking such a big toll on my physically… sick for 3+ weeks and counting, dropping weight, sleep, etc. this administration has set me up for failure and i don’t care for it much. nor do i have my stress-relief of dancing in place anymore. 

anyone in SLC know of a good studio for adults? i found a place that does pole dancing but that’s just not my thing. i need dance that will give me a sanity check and at least a small workout. hm. maybe i should join a gym or something? what do you think? i really need to add something to my life (yes, yet another thing to keep me busy) that will help me de-stress from the nutso job i have taken. (lest ye be worried, i do love teaching and i do love my kids. it’s the administration and their hurdles of expectations and the circumstances they’ve placed me in that make me call it nutso. it’s disaster in a classroom and i think we’re all just surviving this year – students and myself.) so yes, thoughts appreciated!

1 Comment

Janneke · February 8, 2012 at 7:13 am

wow.. go Erica! I'm sorry you've been sick tho – that's NOT fun. And it makes everything else like a million times more difficult than when you are at 100%. I don't know of any studios other than clogging that do adult dance classes. 🙁 But I hear that there will be Springville again! Shoot, it's already February. It will be here before we know it.

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