Advice Needed

I love summer for many reasons, but one of them is the footwear. It’s so easy to find cute sandals to wear, they’re inexpensive, and all is fine and dandy. And then comes Fall (and Winter….) and you have to wear close-toed shoes. Ick. Herein is my dilemma. I need Read more…


Sometimes I can be critical…. and sometimes I can be hyper-critical. This usually happens most in dance. After being a dancer for 20 years, it’s a topic I am very knowledgeable about. I can recognize good and bad technique in most genres, and I can also see good and bad Read more…

I am empowered; I Trust

I am wearing my new sexy jeans and my cute fitted top and my favorite, most comfortable wedges– making me a veritable giantess. I am empowered. My hair looks great and my makeup does too. I am empowered. I am a BYU professor, a graduate student, an employee, a dancer, Read more…

New Background

So, I used to have the nicest blog background, a perfect complement of purple and orange. But… I’m pretty sure I’m the only one that sees it! It shows up on my laptop, but never my work computer. And… well I never bothered to see if anyone else could see Read more…

Spiritual Thought for Today

“Do you want capability, safety, and security in dating and romance, in married life and eternity? Be a true disciple of Jesus. Be a genuine, committed, word-and-deed Latter-day Saint. Believe that your faith has everything to do with your romance, because it does. You separate dating from discipleship at your peril. Read more…

Halo: Reach

That’s a new video that came out today. Erica plays video games? No. Someone else does, and they were very much looking forward to “opening night,” as it were. So here I am. I’m tired of working on class prep and I think I have enough planned for tomorrow to Read more…


It’s so glorious to feel this kind of happy.   Ya know, the standing on top of the world, seeing everything around you… Next to an amazing guy… It’s almost as awesome to remember how much we hiked this one day… Oh, and in case you’re more interested in the pictures than Read more…

Back to Turkey!

In case you were curious, this post is because I am so so SO tired of working on my class! I’ve spent oh…  15 hours or more(?) working on it this week. It feels like way more. And Matt is out of town until Saturday night. I don’t really know Read more…

I like these pictures

So…. this has nothing to do with my trip to Greece and Turkey. I still need to put up some pictures from Turkey so you can see what it was like. However, this last week I went hiking in Yellowstone and the Tetons with a fabulous guy named Matt Schultz Read more…

A bird between two branches

Life is a smidgen interesting right now. I think — hope!– that it’s because I’m at a very transitionary point of my life. Tomorrow I leave my full-time employment of over two years. I’ll be going back to school full time. I will be a university professor this fall, responsible Read more…