Introducing Turkey

Welcome to Turkey! So I got out of chronological order a little bit, but that doesn’t matter. This is my blog and I can write in whatever order suits my fancy, right? And sometimes different stories are just more compelling. Remember last time how I talked about the awesome humanitarian Read more…

Good News

So this post was actually written on July 1, 2010 but for whatever reason I didn’t actually post it. Enjoy!I got a job! Just in case I didn’t already have some for Fall… (aka teaching and most likely being a TA as well). In addition to those, I will be Read more…

One of my Favorite Moments

One of my favorite moments on tour this year was the day we did our humanitarian work (July 16th). Part of what we do as Clog America, besides representing the United States of America at international folk dance festivals, is we select a humanitarian project for a country we visit. Read more…

The day of July 8, 2010

Tourists, let it be known that on the day of July 8, 2010, you were out-walked, out-pictured, and out-toured! Joni, Nikki, Sarah and I powered through Athens from morning till night, visiting everything from the Acropolis, the Theater of Dionysus, the museum, and local vendors to the ancient Agora, the Read more…

My Hat is AWESOME!

We have this dance we do called “El Cumbanchero.” We don’t very much like it, so we decided to add some enthusiasm to our performance of it by dubbing it the “My Hat is AWESOME!” dance. It helps. We did this dance a few times on tour, once in Athens and Read more…

Pictures from Greece

I got back on Tuesday from my wonderful trip to Athens and Istanbul, and now it is picture time! I took over 1000 pictures, although some have gotten tossed because of bad lighting or being fuzzy. There are so many beautiful sights over there, and I’ll try and share as Read more…


A few weeks ago Ananda and I went to SLC for an international festival being held there. As opposed to the ones I’ll be going to in less than two weeks, this one fit onto one city block. They had several stages set up and we spent some time just Read more…

Self Esteem Spectrum

Within six hours this evening, I had two very different messages conveyed to me regarding myself. That sounds weird, but it’s late and I’m tired and just want to put the stories somewhere before I forget them. 1. Near the end of my girls’ dance recital tonight, all the teachers were Read more…