Icing on Top

Last week was so … Dickensian, like “A Tale of Two Cities.” It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… except I’d have to change the order of that to make it really match. The week started off extremely stressful as I tried to figure out Read more…

Definitely Possible!

Friends, I am happy. Blissfully happy. So happy that for a few seconds tonight I couldn’t even breathe. Yeah… and thank goodness I have stretchy cheeks because the smile I’m wearing is hard to contain. Let me introduce you to…. Aric. Also known as A-rock. Also known as a child Read more…

Split (Bananas)

I’m split. It’s so weird to me to existentially remove myself from me and look at my situation. But part of me is super excited for the transpiring events, while the other part of me really doesn’t believe it’s happening. I think that’s a good thing? I mean, it keeps Read more…

Possibly possible

It’s so interesting….. you know how when you go home for Christmas and it doesn’t really seem real until your parents are picking you up at the terminal? And then it seems so natural, like you never even left home, just happened to be gone for a few hours? That Read more…


You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. I still don’t know if I believe it. Ok, I do believe it… but I’ll believe it more on Saturday. Night. To be specific. After I perform with my tap company in Salt Lake City– come see me dance!! (Post Theatre at Read more…

Other Bridges

So, this weekend was a mixed bag. Super great aesthetic/intellectual evening on Friday, complete with delicious Indian food; surprisingly fun group activity Saturday night. Sunday, however, brought a change of pace. Don’t get me wrong, I love Sundays. I guess you technically don’t know a thing about me, so suffice Read more…

Bridge to Nowhere

Sometimes on the bridge, you see the lush foliage and the glimmering ocean. Other times you see the bare branches and dry desert. Where does the bridge end? It’s hard to say. But somewhere it does and will stop. Meanwhile, we traverse onwards, boldly stepping across the wooden planks that Read more…

A case for educated women

Sometimes as I pursue my Master’s degree, I wonder if I’m not just hurting my potential marriage chances. It’s generally a fleeting thought, and no unknown like that would ever sway me out of my course. Here’s a NY TIMES article that has some interesting thoughts on the subject of Read more…

Borrowed Art

I saw this cool art on one of my daily feeds, Artist of the Day. I love horses, and I love how the artist captures their essence through these pieces. Courtesy of sculptor/artist Syaka Ganz, Fort Wayne, IN