Gnome at Home

Can you find the gnome?Dravograd, SloveniaWednesday July 1, 2009 This was a cute house in a a cute town where we did an evening performance during Festival Lent. Part of doing festivals is performing on the main stage and also going to neighboring cities for other shows. Dravograd was our Read more…

Spaghetti Eis Bitburg, Germany

So while in Germany, I heard about this treat called Spaghetti Eis (Spaghetti Ice). Apparently, it’s a unique specialty that originated in Germany. I’d vaguely heard about it on some Food Network show once, but didn’t really put it together. One of our days in Bitburg, most of which were Read more…

Lone Wolf

Karlovac, Croatia July 7, 2009On the way down from Dubovac, the old castle above Karlovac During tour one of my friends said something to the effect that I was a bit of a lone wolf type. Not a loner, just a lone wolf. He said that it means I’m strong Read more…

Living the Dream

Our first venue: Maribor, SloveniaJuly 4, 2009- closing night of the festival This is the stage where I lived a life dream: June 30,2009. On that big stage, floating in the Drava River, the flags of the participating countries lining the backdrop and the bright lights illuminating the floor, I Read more…

Thoughtful Sunday

Today was a rather thoughtful day. Life has been going pretty well lately… at least with enough positives that the negatives seem almost non-existent. I’m leaving in two weeks for my dance trip to Europe, I’ve been getting to know more people in my ward and make new friends, and Read more…

Ultimate Frisbee

I have found a passion lately for ultimate frisbee! I guess I never lost it, but I’ve gotten to rediscover it. I LOVE IT! Monday we played ultimate against another FHE group… it was windy and rainy and perfectly fabulous for crazy catches. I dropped so many easy passes, but Read more…

Mixed Up

I want to run outside and cry. I want to dance and eat ice cream. I want to climb a mountain and sleep in. I want to be loved. That’s what it is, really. I am somewhere between wistful that another guy I could have liked really isn’t interested, but Read more…