Rainy Monday

Okay, so I don’t know if today is actually very rainy, but if sure feels like it is. I’m not sure what triggered it… maybe it started in Relief Society yesterday when I tried to make a comment in class and got attacked by the teacher for it. That was Read more…

busy bee

well, you may have wondered why i fell off the bloggingplanet lately. to be honest, life is so crazy busy right now! school is super super stressful and has been taking my health on a downhill run for a while now. since january, really. it’s not exactly a good thing Read more…

Doors and Windows

So 2012 has been very interesting so far. VERY good so far! And it looks to be extremely promising on some fronts, which makes me happy happy. Of course, you can’t have a house where all the windows and doors are open at the same time. So naturally, some windows Read more…

Night In – Soliloquy

A man dies as often as he loses his friends. Francis Bacon(1561-1626) I’ve gotten to do plenty of thinking lately… thinking about choices I’ve made in life. How the outcomes work themselves into intriguing shapes and important lessons. For example: I’m dancing at the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Concert this year. Read more…

Gee Whiz

I had thought of going country dancing tonight. Alas, my roommates who usually go are busy with other activities. And for some strange reason I lost all desire to dance tonight. (Unrelated to roommates not going.) I spent way too many hours last night working on lesson plans. Granted, I’m done Read more…

Halloween, the modern day opera

Halloween is just around the corner, with everything that entails. In modern times, it seems like the holiday has morphed into something beyond itself. Halloween these days, especially for LDS college-age youth, is more like the Carnival celebrations of the early 1500’s than a celebration of the deceased. Carnival, particularly as Read more…