Spring Storm 4-16-07

Raindrops fallDrippinglySplashSpattering the pavementDroppingFast and hardParading in puddlesHeartily ploppingIn poolsStacatto strikeOf hailStinging, bouncingBarreling barrage of thunderBeating cosmic drumsBangMore drops dripDappling pantsSpattering umbrellasSplish of barefoot(shoes in hand)Spanking the sidewalkConstant beatConstant fallDrips, drops,Splat


We use lots of words everyday. Sometimes we use more words than usual. In the past 10 days or so, I have written my 18 page paper. Yes, my mental trick of saying it was 20 pages worked!! When I got to 18 pages I was ready to finish it, Read more…

Peering into the future

So there’s a common adage that history repeats itself. And, I’d have to say, I’m a believer. For example, my summer plans. There are most definitely some things that are new and exciting– Europe!!– but a few striking things seem like they will be the same. Namely, my roommate situation. Read more…


In the past month or so I’ve had some issues with misplacing things… generally when I’m on dates. For example, I left my diamond ring behind on one date where we made cookies. I didn’t realize it until a few hours later when all of a sudden my finger squawked Read more…

Cold Date

Talk about a cold reception. It went from ice cream to ice skating… fortunately the sparks on the date were more than enough to keep us warm!! Haha, I bet I had you fooled with that opening line but NO– only the activities were cold. Pretty much there’s nothing cold Read more…