Home Alone

I’ve decided that people aren’t meant to live alone. Last summer I lived mostly alone, with the occasional squatter staying for a few weeks before getting married. Yeah, that was lovely living with a girl AND her fiance. Ok, it really wasn’t all that bad, but…. you get the picture. Read more…

Walking down cliffs

I am afraid of heights. Sometimes if I’m on a higher floor and there’s not much of a barrier at the edge I’ll get a funny feeling, something between fear and fascination of falling. Mostly fear. I don’t even like the high dive. I have jumped off some cliffs before, Read more…

Happy Mother’s Day

Teacher— the reason I’m so incredible is COMPLETELY because of my mom. She taught me everything I know.Enthusiast— my mom has always been there for me, encouraging me in everything I do.Rock— whenever I need someone to talk to, my mom is always there for me.Inspiration— one day I hope Read more…

5 Things….

5 Things I Was Doing 5 Years Ago…1. Learning how to slalom ski at Lake Powell2. Slaving away at hot, humid greenhouse for hours a day3. Graduating from high school; starting college4. Being introduced to the wonderful world of folk dance5. Dating my first RM 5 Things On My To-Do Read more…

Kiss these tu (two) lips

We were supposed to do a tap show at the Thanksgiving Pointe Tulip Festival tonight. Unfortunately, the rain and the concrete stage proved very deterring, and we canceled the show. I was actually super excited to perform, and I really wanted to see the tulips. Traffic was slow and crazy Read more…

Everybody has a story

There are stories all around us. Every day, every person– stories surround us. We need to tell our stories. We need to tell the stories of our hours, our days, our lives. We need to tell the stories of our triumphs and failures. We need to tell the stories of Read more…

Spring Storm 4-16-07

Raindrops fallDrippinglySplashSpattering the pavementDroppingFast and hardParading in puddlesHeartily ploppingIn poolsStacatto strikeOf hailStinging, bouncingBarreling barrage of thunderBeating cosmic drumsBangMore drops dripDappling pantsSpattering umbrellasSplish of barefoot(shoes in hand)Spanking the sidewalkConstant beatConstant fallDrips, drops,Splat


We use lots of words everyday. Sometimes we use more words than usual. In the past 10 days or so, I have written my 18 page paper. Yes, my mental trick of saying it was 20 pages worked!! When I got to 18 pages I was ready to finish it, Read more…

Peering into the future

So there’s a common adage that history repeats itself. And, I’d have to say, I’m a believer. For example, my summer plans. There are most definitely some things that are new and exciting– Europe!!– but a few striking things seem like they will be the same. Namely, my roommate situation. Read more…