Finding Heaven- Elder Kikuchi
How can we be more cheerful, enthusiastic, sincere? Increase Godly love and be more positive, bring more energy into our lives? How can we exercise moral agency in an inspired way? We need to improve our relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ daily. Pray daily: draw near unto Him and He will draw near unto me. Personal morning devotional Create a sacred grove where divine communication can happen Arise early, shower, dress, pray and communicate Attitude of humility, willingness Express gratitude Promise: life will be changed. Feel close to Heavenly Father, more than ever before. May feel overwhelmed by Spirit. Personally feel His love as never have before. Immerse self in scriptures John 17:3 … we might know thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. After morning devotional, spend some minutes reading scriptures Book of Mormon can help us escape darkness Personal relationship with Read more…