I love my job

We help kids. What I do everyday ultimately saves or improves children’s lives. I think that is awesome.  Our organization is filled with compassionate, creative, drive people.  They also focus on teamwork and celebrating great ideas, great individuals, and the small acts that create both of those.  We get to learn from other great minds in the charity and cause-innovation industry. Pretty excited about this upcoming conference!

A year ago

I was watching my life fall to pieces  I was saying all the wrong things, knowing I wasn’t supposed to beg I was wondering why crying didn’t come faster  I was wondering how to escape the emotions, willing my mind to far away places I was at my brother’s home, never to return and sleep on my bed in my Bountiful apt I was calling my mom and telling her its over I was calling work and claiming illness I was on an air mattress, lying awake for hours because sleep was harder I was broken in every possible way Today, I am happy I am watching my life continue to unfold in exciting ways I am closer to my family I am more humble and willing to accept guidance from my family I am healthier  I am closer to my Heavenly Father I am making new friends I am Read more…

Dance and truth

To know me, truly know me, is to see me dance. I love it. I’m most confident when I’m dancing. I’m happiest when dancing. And all the inside joy radiates outwards, possibly making me the most beautiful when I dance. I joke that it’s my full time hobby…. But it is! And I’m hoping to make it more of a hobby….. That’s a story for another day, though. Tonight, I’m basking in the after glow of a wonderful evening of dance, and the compliments of several guys on my dancing skills and eyes. 🙂 

Time has laid his healing hand upon the wound when we can look back upon the pain we once fainted under and no bitterness or despair rises in our hearts. – Jerome K. Jerome

Second fiddle

My dating experience has made me change, lately. I’ve been in a place where I have played second fiddle in the relationship. It was something I dismissed or explained away in times past. It is something I am acutely aware of now. I hope I can always be kind, loving, and understanding. But I hope my new resolve to not be a second fiddle never wanes. It’s interesting how easily some people will put you there, if they can. I promise fun stories and pictures soon! I’ve moved into a new place and I can feel that new adventures are on the horizon!

March Miscellany

I know, I know… I never re-capped on my prayer experience and 25 day walk with Christ… I guess I’ve been waiting for the right moment to review thoroughly and take personal inventory, but the short answer is I really enjoyed it. I had some great experiences, and I feel like it changed me on more than just a superficial level. Long mental pause… I was going to write some cool stuff, but I don’t really remember what it is now. I’ve been going country dancing twice a week for about a month now and it is fun fun! A few guys have done some nifty lifts with me which is a real treat, and dancing to fun music has been a wonderful way to get out, be social, and enjoy life! I’ve made a few friends and have really enjoyed myself. I also can’t complain about trimming off some of Read more…

Answers all around…

I believe that God guides our steps, especially when we are trying to follow him and asking for specific blessings. I don’t think there coincidences in timing. I’m impressed by how inviting the Spirit into our lives more though small actions can influence the big things. I don’t have proof right now, just inklings of thoughts. I still need to do that recap…. But if these new realizations and experiences are any indication of an internal change, then I think I will be eternally happy that I spent 26 days focused on improving my relationship with The Lord.

Day 26: What is prayer to you?

If you’ve paid close attention, you’ll realize that I didn’t do my math very well. I thought 25 days would get me through the end of February, but I find myself blessed with an extra day! Due to my December eye condition returning, the late hour, and the BYU basketball game that filled the preceding 3 hours, I’m going to opt for something easy, but thought-provoking.  I saw this on Facebook today – actually my mom found it and mentioned it to me – and I just had to find it and share. Corrie Ten Boom is an inspiration woman who had her own profound learning experience with prayers. If you have never read her book,  The Hiding Place, I highly recommend it. She and her sister help Jews during WWII and eventually get caught and sent to a concentration camp. Her sister has great faith and devotion and really Read more…

Thought for modern days

A new philosophy generally means in practice the praise of some old vice.Gilbert Chesterton (1874-1936) I saw that many republicans signed something indicating they now supported gay marriage. I think this quote above is fitting explanation as to what is happening to our world these days.

Day 25: Psalms 34:4

I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. I found this gem on Pinterest tonight. Yes, it totally counts for my purposes! Besides it bring a simpler find, it is remarkably true. I’m sure you recall one earlier posts this month where I discussed my lingering fear, and thus hesitancy, about moving out of the grandparents’ nest an back on my own. It’s been a real thing I’ve had to deal with, and I’m not one who typically had fears over living my life. Skydiving? Heights? Breaking a leg? Yes, but never fear of living the life I want. It’s been a challenge, especially because it isn’t something I’m used to dealing with. One thing I’ve tried to do throughout this journey is to get guidance on that whole living and moving out thing. When I saw this verse tonight, I realized that Read more…