The Virtue of Heavenly Patience

  “Life is full of difficulties, some minor and others of a more serious nature. There seems to be an unending supply of challenges for one and all. Our problem is that we often expect instantaneous solutions to such challenges, forgetting that frequently the heavenly virtue of patience is required.” Read more…


Friends, I might be taking a brief hiatus from posting. Today I received some unpleasant news….. essentially I’m rejoining the ranks of Provo singles. As in, no boyfriend singles. Anyways, I just don’t have much to add to that right now. I’m okay. And I’ll be more okay in time. 

Crazy Dreams Remembered

I used to think I didn’t have very cool dreams. And I would never remember them. So… that really made them uncool. Lately, though, I have remembered a few more dreams, and I gotta say, they are pretty crazy. Take last night, for example. I was flying to Normandy, France Read more…

Kitchen Adventures

Wisconsin Cauliflower Soup It’s not quite up to the Zupas flavor, but I’m not sure what was missing.  Bowties with Homemade Sauce, Tomatoes and Mushrooms Oreo Truffles These were a batch in January (?) that actually turned out And that’s all she wrote for today!


Marcel Proust was a French Impressionist writer. He dealt with ideas of time and memory, something of a predecessor to the stream of consciousness style that James Joyce would develop in his literary contributions to the Impressionist movement. So while perhaps this meandering post might better be called Joyce-ian, I’ll Read more…

Seven Weeks

Yeah, it has kinda flown by. Not that seven weeks is very long. But it has been long enough to learn many things and make lots of fun memories. It also just might represent the shortest time span for me to have the most kitchen fails. Ok, so maybe just Read more…


These first two pictures are Aric’s graduation gift: I gave him a framed picture of the two of us, along with the BYU blanket. I made it! (Thanks Megan for helping me cut it straight!) I am trying to stay humble but… this turned out really well. I like it! Read more…

Graduation Excitement!

Aric is graduating today and I’m so excited!! Not only because I no longer have to compete with his homework for top priority, but because I finally get to give him his graduation gift!! I’m fairly confident he doesn’t read my blog, and there’s no pictures yet to post, and Read more…

Great Weekend

        (Do you see #10 getting ready to wallop the ball? Aric served with him in Slovenia)        Well, BYU ended up losing to CAL-U Northridge, but I was a winner Saturday night. Aric and I went on a double date with Jeff and Jackie to the volleyball Read more…


I was going to write something else here… but I have since changed my mind. Instead, I figured I would just post the picture I had picked out. It’s kind of face-like, and I enjoy those types of pictures. So here you go – a picture to enjoy!