Doors and Windows

So 2012 has been very interesting so far. VERY good so far! And it looks to be extremely promising on some fronts, which makes me happy happy. Of course, you can’t have a house where all the windows and doors are open at the same time. So naturally, some windows Read more…

When you doubt:

“Never let anyone take away your dreams. Every challenge you face will only help you achieve your dream, even if it breaks your heart at the time. The Lord loves you, and in His time He will give you every good gift. I love you, always and forever. Never forget Read more…

Halloween, the modern day opera

Halloween is just around the corner, with everything that entails. In modern times, it seems like the holiday has morphed into something beyond itself. Halloween these days, especially for LDS college-age youth, is more like the Carnival celebrations of the early 1500’s than a celebration of the deceased. Carnival, particularly as Read more…

Sabbath Morning

There was a time when I was much more vigilant about reading conference talks on a consistent basis. My new ward doesn’t meet until 1pm, and since I can’t sleep in much later than 8:30 these days, that left me a lot of time to think this morning. And read. Read more…

Not blogging

I’m fairly certain that it’s a good thing I haven’t finished the last blog post I was working on. It makes me feel like I can’t write more until I complete it. Obviously not stopping me right now but…  It’s going to be a really awesome treatment of modern Halloween Read more…

Good news minute

Remember, friends, I’m not in Provo anymore. That means this good news minute has nothing to do with engagements, dating, or exams. It has to do with my … new job!! That’s right, I’m now a first grade teacher at Challenger School in Salt Lake City. Technically, I’m not a “teacher” Read more…

An Apple for the Teacher?

Well friends, I applied to be a teacher. I know, I thought it was too late this year too!! But a charter/private school in Salt Lake said they’re accepting applications so I decided to throw my hat in the ring. I’ve always said that I’d prefer to teach older students Read more…