To the Moon

A true friend is one soul in two bodies. Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) I feel like I could jump to the moon tonight. I feel filled with energy and vitality right now. Great timing, right? I don’t care. I’m going to let that excitement carry me through… well at least the Read more…

A moment of silence

Facebook is a wealth of information… and sadly today I saw the pieces falling together to indicate that one of my dear friends from freshman year had passed away. Somehow I managed to miss the news reports for two days. David Whitney was one of the kindest men you’d ever Read more…


Wow, was today really only Thursday? Wednesday seems so long ago. Can I just say that the end of Wednesday was completely amazing and wonderful? Well, it was. So there.  I should be asleep right now. Or reading something, since I’m obviously not asleep right now. Instead I’m blogging. About Read more…


It is a Wednesday. Meaning it feels like a Monday. Do days feel like a certain way? I usually don’t think Mondays are all that bad… each day is a struggle for me to wake up and there’s always more to do than there is time. I guess that’s really Read more…

My Love Affair

. . . with books. I love books. Seriously. I own way too many. I check out way too many from the library. I probably have as many books as I do clothes and shoes. I have books in 3 boxes in my closet, in two stacks on the shelf Read more…


So about nine years ago I ran a 5k race. And came in dead last. As in, the water girls and the police car that marks the end of the race were my companions for… honestly? probably nearly half the race. At least the last third of it.  Fast forward Read more…

A Conversation with Self

Saturday night Me: I should be healthy. Like actually eating lunch during the school week. And the weekend too.  Self: Yeah, that’s a great idea! We like food! Me: I’ve always though that a V-8 would make a nice lunch. I get my veggies, some nutrition, and it would totally Read more…


Dear friends, I believe in prayer. I love it. It has been a life-saver for me, so many times in my life. I will be forever grateful to my parents for raising me in a home filled with prayer, teaching me how to find answers and peace and guidance.  I Read more…