Happy Day of Love and Chocolate (formerly known as Saint Valentine’s Day)

Love Is Not Blind That’s a good talk. In other news, I ran into someone today that I completely did not expect to see at this venue. It went well. While I might have chosen a less-ironic day, it’s good to know that the past can generally stay where it belongs. Also. Apparently another guy was totally checking me out for a while (says my friend Jenelle), although I didn’t notice it obviously until a minute or two before he joined our dance circle. Props for his gutsiness on just joining us, because it really was kind of obvious…. especially when he promptly danced next to me, leaned in and asked my name. He thought he knew me from somewhere, but I don’t think we really did. Anyways, we danced, then talked, then he suggested we depart the dance floor in order to facilitate actually hearing each other. (Yeah, the DJ Read more…

Monday Morning

Thanks to my wonderful mother, I am up and about my life this morning! It does indeed feel great to be where I’m supposed to be, doing (mostly) what I’m supposed to be doing when I should be doing it. Since I managed to keep one goal today, I decided to tackle a second: reading from lds.org before I dive into my work day. Today I read The Power of Early Preparation. I really appreciated the emphasis it placed on the importance of daily scripture study and the blessings that can come from that. I also found the part about babies interesting: how it can be easy to ignore a basic truth because other facts about it seem negative and more compelling. I joke sometimes that the older I get, the less I want kids. Perhaps I ought not to joke about that…. And here are some gratitudes to make up Read more…

My Loves

Cute nephew that called me on the phone today! Wonderful family who loves me and thinks I’m pretty okay KINDLE!!!!!!!! Treats for while reading. And for while grading. And for every other part of life that could use a hint of chocolate/peanut butter.  Please. Self explanatory. Sunshine days, and spring/summer around the corner! I know, I need to take some more pictures with my camera. Until then, I’ll borrow 🙂


Today I read about the importance of Young Adults and Family Home Evening. I’ll admit, this is something I’ve been very see-saw-ish about ever since I came to college. Sometimes I made it a priority to go, and other times I made it a priority not to go (making sure I worked on Monday nights). Why? Eh, it doesn’t matter now, it’s in the past. I’ve been more consistent in recent years about attending and recently decided that I want to make sure I go to FHE each Monday. I need to stay involved in my ward, and it’s a place where I can get to know a smaller group of people better. They also tend to have really good spiritual insights, which lift me up and help me as I work to become a better person. In other news, I’m still infatuated with my Kindle. And I’m fairly certain that I Read more…

New Idea

I have decided that I am going to try and start my work each day by reading something from lds.org, from the current issue of the Ensign or the Conference issue (until I run out and have to search more!). Last night was not a good night. Which made this morning… well essentially this morning didn’t happen. I really wish I could break out of this cycle. Anyways, whenever the day ends up starting, I want to start it right. So this is my new goal. Today I actually read through about 3 articles. (Do I read too fast??) I feel more at peace, and that’s the feeling I want to have with me as I start my days. Another thing that helps me? Chatting with my mom. We get on Gmail and chat for a while pretty much every day. It helps me remember the balance and normalcy of life. Read more…

Wow. A conversation I could have lived without

Jenelle:  hey, I have a question for you I hope this doesn’t upset you either  me:  ok  Jenelle:  when did you and Matt go to Yellowstone?  me:  august  Jenelle:  he was still dating someone I may be wrong, but yesterday something interesting happened we were leaving stake conference and my roommate (not Alexis) was pointing out how tall Luke is and such and he was walking next to Matt I told her I knew Matt and she asked how I explained that you two had been dating and she said. . .”uh, they must have started dating right after he broke up with his girlfriend (someone that is in our ward) and I said, “ummm. . . when did he break up with her?” “In September” I didn’t say anything I was at a loss for words  me:  i knew he had dated someone in his ward during last winter semester but it ended in april Read more…

Random video of me dancing!

So one thing I love about teaching is that I get to look through different art clips and find ones I like. In my searching tonight I found a few great clips, and then I decided to look up Clog America. Lo and behold there is a full-length video of our (now retired) dance, “High Horse.” Even better than that? You can see me!! I’m in the second row on the far far right. Most camera angles don’t keep me in the shot, but this one does! And it helps that I’m dancing next to one of the sons of the shooter. Filmer. Whoever. Anyways, if you look beyond a flub or two and the fact that my feet do in fact look like lead (which they felt like at the time), it’s not so bad of a performance!Enjoy!


Today I bore my testimony about my gratitude “journal” on here. I wasn’t planning on getting up, but right after the first testimony I just felt that prompting. I’m glad I did, because it just helps reaffirm to me that I’m on the right track. I’m far from perfect, but I’m making progress on my journey. It’s just nice to know that I have a growing testimony and that I followed the promptings I felt. Little victories, right? Overall, it was a great Sunday. I hope that means its the start to a good, productive week. 


So I wasn’t expecting to have a very exciting Saturday. I left the Valentine Benefit last night with a massive headache that only got worse. I finally got to sleep, and ended up sleeping for a very long time. Thanks goodness I woke up around 11:15, because about ten minutes later I got a phone call from an old friend, David McMillan. How glad am I that I decided to answer and not let it go to voicemail? SO GLAD! Dave had an extra pass to today’s basketball game, so I hurried and showered, got ready, and trucked it up to the Marriott Center. The game was awesome! I’ve heard a lot about Jimmer Fredette this semester (who hasn’t!), but I had yet to see a live game. It was amazing! UNLV put up a tough fight and certainly made all the BYU players work for their points. But you Read more…

Not so peppy

Well maybe being happy isn’t as easy as I thought it was going. And while maybe I could blame today on hormones… I would also want to blame most of January on the same thing and I don’t think I’m that screwed up. Perhaps its just because I’ve been sick and spending more time at home (aka alone) than at work, but today I am feeling more dissatisfied with Provo. I mean, that’s my general feeling about this place lately, but today it’s more marked. I want out. I want change. I fine with not dating – I just don’t want to not do it here. Today I am grateful for my class. I really enjoy teaching, and I have a fun, smart class this semester. They’re great at grasping concepts and participating in class. Between teaching them and preparing/presenting the material, Humanities 101 tends to be the bright spot of Read more…