That’s one thing you’ll never hear me say
Things that are extremely unlikely to ever be uttered by me: I think I’ll quit dancingI don’t like readingPink is the ugliest color in the worldI wish I could belch the ABC’sI’m looking a little skinny these days… I need to gain 10 lbsSleeping is overrated Food is evil and should be avoided I miss running Oh wait. Forget that last one! Yes, folks, it is official. I miss running! I never in a million years thought that I’d every say that, let alone actually feel the pangs of missing running. It’s not something I’m particularly good at, and it’s not something I particularly love, but I do in fact miss it. Since running my race on Halloween Eve, I really haven’t hit the road much. I got in a decent hill run last Saturday (after a week of general inactivity), and I’ll probably try to get in a short Read more…