Tuesday Dislike

I used to really like Tuesdays. Ever since we had our home school co-op days on Tuesdays, I’ve found them to be pleasant days. High school Tuesdays were pretty good, and even in college Tuesdays have devotionals or forums. Suffice it to say, Tuesday is my favorite weekday. (Because really, everyone loves weekends more than anything.) Anyhow, last week and this week Tuesdays have been the day that I don’t get to see A–. He has class until late, so I wouldn’t expect to see him until after 8 anyways. The joy of school and homework, being the undeniable force it is, we didn’t see each other last week. And of course I was completely hormonal last week and not at all happy about having to go a day without my A–man. This week looks like it will be the same– although sans hormones. I miss him. A wise friend Read more…


The night A– and I became officially, exclusively a couple, I could hardly breathe for happiness. When he left that night, I gazed upwards, feeling like my soul was going to bust out of my body because it was so happy. It was unlike any other feeling of happiness I have ever felt… and I think I’ve had a fair share of happy events in my life. (Sad ones, too, but that’s besides the point). Like John Mayer said, I felt “bigger than my body” and it was amazing.  I felt a hint of that again on Sunday morning. I was sitting next to A– watching conference. A few minutes previously he had looked over at me, saying something with his eyes. I’m not exactly sure what, but he looked at me… not my face but me. He followed up with a kiss on my cheek. You know, often it Read more…

Happy April Fool’s Day!

Last year I wrote a post here as a joke, saying that I was finally dating someone. I would just like to say that this year, I really am finally dating someone. And I am so happy. Of course, I have come to realize that just because I’m in a relationship doesn’t mean that life is any easier. But I am ever so happy to be sharing it with someone!   

…the same thing we do every night, Pinky!

Try and take over the world!   It’s true, my friends – my evil plot is working. Only a few days into the registration process for Fall 2010 and 3 unsuspecting victims have already signed up for my class! At this moment of time, more people are signed up for my class than any other Humanities 101 class. I can feel my powers flexing at the thought of training and ingraining impressionable young minds with my wisdom. (Just kidding; I’m pretty nervous about the whole thing actually. And for them to be registered already means these are seniors…. people that will be closer to my age and hopefully not have issues by having a young blonde female teacher.)

Dear Snow,

Welcome to Spring. I know you are really excited to spend some time getting to know the budding leaves, the robins, and the elusive gaggle of spring flowers, but I think you need to re-evaluate your situation. You see, you and Spring really have no hope of ever making a lasting relationship. Your continual forays to establish such a connection are really more painful than just letting go and moving on. Not to mention the damage they wreak on innocent bystanders, such as myself. Do you really think I want to walk around today in your emotional spewing of snow?  I know breaking up is hard to do. It happens to the best of us. But you’re much better off just letting go of Spring. She’ll never really appreciate you, and all those other cliche things people say. But really. Go. Come back in December and I’ll be happy to Read more…

A long weekend

Aric was gone to Oregon all weekend… from Thursday morning until late tonight, when he showed up on my doorstep. I’m so happy that it’s over and he is back safe and alive!! I may or may not have missed him a whole heap. And he may or may not have missed me, too. Hooray for happy reunions!

Miss you

Dear A-, Today I remembered why work is sometimes a great thing. It helps me not think about the fact that you’re gone for the whole weekend. And by whole, I mean from Thursday early-morning until Monday late-late-night. That’s a long time. That’s like… 5 days. Ish. But seeing as you’re my boyfriend, I am most definitely rounding up. I miss you. I’m glad you have a good reason to be gone.. I mean family is probably the absolute best reason to not be sitting next to me right now. I wish I were sitting by you. Sometimes reality is not very nice. I’d much rather be with you than going to work on Monday, going to class today, sleeping in tomorrow…….. yeah. Next time we’ll plan better and I’ll go with you.  Oh, and even though J-gal said that real men aren’t phone people… sometimes I wish you would Read more…

Little Brothers

In case I never mentioned it before, I have seven brothers. Yes, seven. 7. Two older, five younger. I grew up with 4 and we adopted the last three when I came to college. Seven boys. That’s a lot. And if there’s one thing I know, its that boys can say some pretty hilarious stuff…. especially when they’re young! My brother Jeff and I about died laughing last night after this conversation we had with our youngest brother, Kevin (age 7).  Me: Do you like Aric?Kevin: Yes, he plays with me.Jeff: I bet you don’t like him as much as you like Chloe.Me: Who’s Chloe?Kevin (whispers): She’s my girlfriend. But don’t tell mom. I’m only seven.Me (whispering): Can I tell you a secret?Kevin (whispering still): Yes!Me (whispering): Aric is my boyfriend.Kevin (in complete amazement): You found one?!