Day 13: D&C 25:12

I’m sure you don’t really care to hear it (yet again this week), but I am so tired!! I put in almost 50 hours at work this week. Ridiculous. And my sleep has definitely suffered. But I have stuck with this blog project and prayer project, despite it keeping me Read more…

Day 12: D&C 33:17-18

Be faithful, praying always, with trimmed lamps. Again,I am somewhat surprised at how direct a single verse can be in providing direction and insight. Knowing the broad arc of the scriptures is very useful, but I think I was missing something before I learned the power of a single verse. Read more…

Day 11: John 14:26-27

These verses have arguably nothing to do with prayer. However, they are frequent comfort verses for me, and reflect the feelings I can get from prayer. Several years ago, my friend Rachel set these two verses to music. I still wish I had a recording of it, but the memory Read more…

Sometimes the strong are weak

I don’t want to mope or whine or relive the past. Truly. If you want to know more, well…. You will understand. Valentines Day 2012. Enough said? I didn’t think it would be hard this year. Most of the emotional hurt from him is completely gone. But given today and Read more…

Day 10: Alma 34:17-27

My first thought of what to use as my prayer prompt was a website I came across: Sacred Spaces. At a glance, it is a website that provides users with the experience I’ve created for myself – daily scripture prompts, finding how to make prayer meaningful in your life, developing a Read more…

Dear Secret Admirer..

… if you actually were to exist, you would be getting me an amazing Valentine’s day gift. Because that’s how wonderful you are! You know me well, and I just have to share with everyone what you would get me! You’d start off my morning with breakfast in bed (along with Read more…

Day 9: Mark 1:35

One of the biggest changes I’ve noticed during the past few days of this project is that I think sour prayer and scriptures more often, with more purpose. Today as I drove to work, I learned that the Pope is resigning… Something that hasn’t happened since the 15th century or Read more…

Day 8: Helaman 3:35

Interestingly, I found this scripture last night while doing my “normal” scripture study. It caught my attention, and I really liked getting into it today. I’m not sure I’ve seen another scripture that so clearly spells out the blessings of prayer. First, their prayers are frequent, even habitual parts of Read more…

Day 7: Spicing things up

I’m taking a different road tonight, for a few reason. First, I am dead tired. As in, between Friday and today, I have had multiple people ask if I am tired because I sure look it. And yes, I have been very tired those days. Tonight I am again attempting to Read more…