Day 24: Moses 1:18

While looking for tonight’s inspiration, I found a talk be Elder Nelson that was all about prayer. While I recommend it, I realized it didn’t have the feeling I was looking for tonight. It’s becoming more challenging to find verses that speak to me. You may have noticed that I’ve Read more…

Day 23: Helaman 5-7

I have missed doing my personal scripture study lately. This prayer blog takes enough time that I don’t generally double up. No excuse, I know…. As I started the year another goal of mine was to write my thoughts after reading the scriptures, take my study more meaningful. Yeah, I Read more…

Day 22: Philippians 4:6

It took me a little longer to find my verse tonight. Today was … Interesting. I got plenty of rest and went off to church, which was really good. I felt the spirit quite strongly during Sunday school and the first part of relief society. Then the Bishop began talking Read more…

Day 21: Prayer Quotes

Today was a good day as far as prayers and answers go…. My recent primary request has been in regards to finding the right place to move/live. Through the past several months of seeking to be in the right place for one thing or another (namely, the right state and Read more…

Day 20: Romans 12:12

I came across this scripture the other day, and it seems very fitting for tonight. These past few days, I’ve been sorely tempted to just do my reading and prayer and not blog. I’ve been busy, tired…. And it’s not like people need me to do this blog project. Diligence, Read more…

Day 19: Psalm 149:3

I should have prepared better… another fun night of country dancing. It’s very fun, even if filled with its own kind of drama. Some guys ask the cute girls to dance. Some guys ask any girl to dance. Some guys come back to the good dancers and ask them to Read more…

Day 18: Helaman 5:30, 46-47

It’s getting personal tonight — consider yourself sufficiently forewarned. Don’t worry, it’s pretty good stuff. 🙂 It shouldn’t be this hard to find a place to live.  It’s been a rough night. I’ve been looking more diligently lately for a place in Salt Lake City. I feel like it’s about Read more…

Day 17: Revelation 8:4

I love the imagery of this verse, where prayers rise to heaven like incense. Many eastern religions use incense in their worship and rituals. Incense isn’t in a rush to go anywhere… It slowly weaves its way heavenward, spreading and touching many on its way. It sweetens as it goes. Read more…

Day 16: Psalm 13

I love that the Old Testament has an entire book of prayer… The Psalms. I chose this psalm today because 1) I feel it has some overtones common to single life, and 2) it wraps up beautifully by acknowledging how bountifully The Lord has blessed us. As a single person Read more…

Day 15: Isaiah 40:31

Prayer is a much about answers as it is about the act of praying. This scripture seemed fitting, because so often the answer phase of prayer requires us to wait on The Lord. I’m single and 27, still waiting for the blessing of marriage. I have friends my same age Read more…