Crop Circles

It’s interesting how time overlaps and runs into itself. How slow it moves at times, while running faster and faster every day. I remember last Halloween so vividly. I had purple hair sticking straight up into the sky. I went bowling with the ward and saw Jean Valjean, who I Read more…

Time Travel

So when getting my pictures from Nebraska off my camera, I realized I had some other ones from the beginning of the semester that I hadn’t taken off yet. Thus, I haven’t told the stories of them either! So, in more or less chronological order, here we go. World of Read more…

Better Days

Today is a better day. It was a difficult week, but today I felt a very big measure of peace. I know that things always work out in the end. It’s getting through the meantime that is hard. But on the same count, the meantime is the most important part Read more…


I feel like I’m swimming, lately. Which way is up? Where am I going? I’ve got a general idea, but I’m still under water, just a little bit. Under Water10/6/09 Shimmering images dartAcross the wavering surfaceAnd I watch from beneath.The world is just a little upside- DownWhere do I go Read more…

Made my morning

I was dashing out the door to school/work this morning, happy to have an effective window scraper (sad that I don’t have underground parking anymore), happy to be awake (even though sleep is so good) and happy to be driving my car (which needs gas and air in the tires– Read more…


So today I was supposed to lead the class discussion in my CMPST 640R class. I read the book, read the supplemental readings, and prepared three main questions I wanted to discuss. I marked the passages, wrote out the questions with some guides as to where I wanted the discussion Read more…