The desire to feel and know

I feel compelled to write. To fill a page with words that mean something. I feel… something. I feel like life is always darkest before the dawn. I remember a camp out way back when I was in Young Women’s. Aside from the fact that I had somewhat slid into the fire pit by the morning, I distinctly remember waking up in time to see the rising sun change the shades of the sky. Ever brighter, ever more beautiful. From the comfort of my slightly singed sleeping bag, the world became bright.  I feel so much right now. Not sure why. But I feel it. Something.  I haven’t written all that much on my blog this year. Writing is an outlet for me. Sometimes I like to re-read what I’ve written to see where I was at in the past, where I am now, and what has filled the gaps between Read more…

Girls and kitchens

My titles have been pretty boring lately. I’m sorry. I’ll work on that for ya’ll. Girls. Girls are pretty fun creatures. I had the great opportunity of spending some time with some friends in my ward tonight and it was a blast! My friend Raeann invited me and some of her other friends over for Sunday dinner after church. As I knew would happen if I went early, I kind of became a fixture in the kitchen. What can I say… I like to help and I like cooking. She had me put together her fruit salad and asked my opinion on the progress of the slow cooker food. She had a great meal put together, and I really enjoyed spending time with girls my age making dumb comments and jokes, laughing, and cooking. Some big personalities arrived for dinner, so I wasn’t so talkative then, but it was still Read more…

Thankful part 2

So I’ve been looking for a job for awhile. I know, news flash, right? I’ve been trying to network more and search harder… Well interesting story tonight. I was able to make contact with someone in training this week and have been watching for related jobs to open up. Tonight I was at the temple and had some time to ponder. Like has been common, I felt peace. Nothing much more specific, just a definite sense of peace. Then I got home and checked my email. And there I saw an email telling me a job was open, from my contact! The time stamp puts it around when I was pondering, give or take ten minutes. Pretty great story, I think. Now to go apply and hope I get an interview from the opening!


Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882) One thing I really enjoy about November and Facebook is that so many people have jumped on the thankful-a-day bandwagon. It’s fun to see the good things in peoples’ lives. Positivity is a powerful influence! As I’ve been continuing the job search, as well as over the past few months, I’ve had ample opportunity to self-analyze. Which is why I really enjoy this quote from Emerson. As a transcendentalist founder, he believed in the innate goodness of man and nature. The soul was very important as part of man, and I think it there is great truth to the idea that nothing can bring you peace but yourself. I use my faith and religion, rather than transcendentalism, but the basic idea holds. External factors aren’t the true source of peace. It’s about the soul finding peace.  Well, I didn’t mean Read more…

My Future … taking input

Options I am considering for my future, as the job hunt is a brutal reminder that whatever plan I had before isn’t panning out super well at the moment.  Go back to school and get a Ph.D so that I can teach as a college professor.  This will cost a lot of money. This will take probably 3-7 years.  Go back to school and get a different Master’s degree: Instructional Design, MBA MPA… Taking suggestions for this.  I think organizational behavior would be cool.  I do have 3 years work experience, so I’m probably qualified on that part. I don’t know which school I’d go to and it will cost a lot of money.  Not sure what the end game is with this course of action. Get started with a teaching certificate I can either do the Alternative Route or go back to school and just pound it out (I Read more…

Long Day

I have been working hard today, I promise. It started off with working on my PowerPoint Presentation for my 2nd interview this week. Very excited for that! I got through all the basics of getting set up for a blog on Blogger (I’m teaching them how to do that) , and then I decided to amp up my example blog. There went the afternoon!! CSS, HTML, coding, parameters…. I was definitely in over my head. I finally was able to understand how to use a template and upload it. The new blog I created is a pet project that I’ve been stewing over for a while. I love the arts and humanities and have often thought it would be fun to post about those topics for the general enrichment of others. However, I don’t think readers of my personal blog necessarily want to be bombarded with that all the time; Read more…

Good words

RareBeautifulIntelligentUniqueSpiritualAmazingGood words. Words to make one happy, strong, and believe in oneself. It’s been an interesting week, but I’m thankful for these good words from a friend who sees me better than I see myself sometimes. 

Thursday Times

What an interesting day. Good moment: I had a great interview with the company InContact for an Education Consultant position. Basically I’d be training people all the time! I have a second interview next week where they get to see me in action, so I’m looking forward to that. Bad moment: super lame rehearsal. Seriously, we sat all too much time tonight. There were also some interesting cuts (?) made that were rough on all the girls except the 12 who got the top spot. It was not very fun. I did not enjoy it. Obviously, I was not one of the blessed 12. Darn favorites. Granted some girls really deserved it from their dancing. Some I think I was just as good as. Oh well. So tonight was a rough venting night for a bit. And I’m excited for Friday!! It will be an exciting day for sure, if Read more…


Basque region of France – grape arbor I totally borrowed that title idea from a friend of mine on Facebook (we are also friends in real life, but I saw that idea on Facebook). Today was the day when I interviewed for an office manager position in Kaysville. I realized that despite being a “grown-up” of sorts, I still don’t think in terms of long-term commitments. Can I see myself sticking around here for three years? Probably. Five years? Whoa buddy, whipping out the big guns! I didn’t see myself staying in Centerville for much more than a month… and it has been so long now that I’ve had to go “shopping” at my storage unit for my winter clothes, coats, etc. Speaking of which, I’m really befuddled as to where my shoes are. I swear I had a trash can filled with shoes. I know I did. The can Read more…

It’s only Tuesday?

Time is a mysterious thing. It boggles my mind to consider that time only exists for mortals. How does that work on the other side? Does it have something to do with the E=MC2? The speed of light? That we’ll be so filled with literal light that time slows down or does its funky time-ness and…… well, I can’t really complete what I’m thinking there because I didn’t study much about physics. But yes. Time. Is a wheel that keeps on turning, always moving us around (Thanks LeeAnn). I can’t believe it is only Tuesday. Monday seems rather far away. Maybe because I actually did things yesterday. For example, I went and got fingerprinted so I can be a substitute teacher in Granite School District. Ideal? No. Something to do and get money for? Yes. After that, I visited my sis-in-law Michelle, and her kids. Actually, my brother was there too, Read more…